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Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:23 am
by aen

So, I just sold off a bunch of pedals, cause I was hot for that new Tele bass. And then I thought, "shit, man. I have a real nice bass. But you know what I don't have? A fuckin baritone that was built to be a baritone."

It's true. A good 7+ years into playing tuned down to B or A on 25.5" scale guitars, or using awkward conversion necks, and never a proper baritone. BEFORE I GO ON, let me defend those options. Because they do WORK. I still rate my tele custom II, 25.5" scale with giant strings as my best B-B baritone experience overall. This is largely because I got used to it really quickly, and stuck with it for yeeeeears, but it certainly is a good option for B-B.
On the other hand, the strings are a kinda floppy, makes playing clean and accurate on the low string tricky.
Conversion necks are also a good option, because you get more tension, and sometimes better intonation. The downsides are: HUGE LONG neck on a normal body. The only body I've found that it really works well with is a Jazzmaster. But then your intonation and action can be a real nightmare. I mostly play DIRTY so, it sounds fine for me. Still, your intonation can be piss with whatever body you put it on. Neck pockets argue with neck heels and all that shit. Factor in the cost (around $300 for a finished neck, without tuners) and you're spending a pretty good chunk of change regardless of what body/pickups you're using.

Just got it on Friday. Feels GREAT. You know the difference between a jury rigged low tuned guitar, a project, and a purpose built guitar.
Sounds COOL AS FUCK. It's got those good ole tele neck tones, sometimes more on the middle pickup. Obviously the "good ole tele bridge" tones are not there. But put some distortion on that humbucker, and hear some FUCKING METAL.

I've only had it through little baby amps so far, so I don't have a full review.
It came almost set up, as a Fender usually does. A couple minutes with a screw driver and the intonation was ON.

So, how do they sell a full-on tele with a unique body and neck for $550? (or less depending on your sale/rebate/luck)
Well, they cut corners, I gotta be honest. These tuners are pretty piss. They look normal, but they don't hold a tune for long. I haven't cracked it open, but I've read online that the pots/switch and jack are also bottom of the barrell. I knew that going in, but I didn't give no fuck, cause I can replace that stuff easy peasy.

Here's the great part.
I've just been playing around this weekend. Mostly unplugged in my living room. And I'm writing new shit! If a guitar inspires me unplugged, I know it's gonna be a good one.

Can't beat it for that price, provided you can do your own setup, replace electronics and tuners.
The next best bet would probably be a Schecter. they're more like $800, and shorter scale (26.5?) BUT the tuners are killer, in my experience.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:32 am
by HNB
The excitment was so huge that it exploaded all over your mirror! :D


Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:41 am
by ultratwin
Rock! Glad to hear it's passable, from one of our very own.

And oh carp it's on sale at Teh 'Fiend FOR $499 right now in all colors. CANNOT UNWANT!

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 4:02 am
by damienblair17
Is this different from your recent Schecter Ultra VI? Is that one supposed to be a "six string bass" as opposed to a Baritone?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:51 am
by DasBeef
Fancied a baritone for ages, and that thing is NICE!


Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:45 am
by benecol
I am pleased for you and all, and always interesting to hear about new additions to the baritone armoury, but:
aen wrote:Conversion necks are also a good option, because you get more tension, and sometimes better intonation. The downsides are: HUGE LONG neck on a normal body.
You realise this is what you've bought?

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:59 pm
by Ankhanu
I've been really curious about these Blacktop baritones. Glad it's passable, I've been wanting to add a bari to my collection for a while; a couple of my favorite artists play baritone from time to time and I love the sound. I've been thinking about converting one of my VIs to a baritone set up/tuning, but that feels like the wrong way to go :)
damienblair17 wrote:Is this different from your recent Schecter Ultra VI? Is that one supposed to be a "six string bass" as opposed to a Baritone?
Correct. The Schecter VIs (and Fender VI, etc.) are basses. Longer scale, heavier strings, lower tuning. I'd have to capo at the 5th or 7th fret on my VI to get to a baritone tuning.


Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:06 pm
by aen
benecol wrote:I am pleased for you and all, and always interesting to hear about new additions to the baritone armoury, but:
aen wrote:Conversion necks are also a good option, because you get more tension, and sometimes better intonation. The downsides are: HUGE LONG neck on a normal body.
You realise this is what you've bought?
Kind of. Even if it is just a standard 25.5" scale body, the difference between a 27" baritone and a 28 5/8" conversion job is huge. Trust me, dude, I've worn this thing for a couple days, it is MUCH more comfortable, balanced, and cohesive.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:08 pm
by aen
Ankhanu wrote: I've been thinking about converting one of my VIs to a baritone set up/tuning, but that feels like the wrong way to go :)
Might be awesome, might not. I never really got along with the 30" Gretsch VI as a baritone, but that neck was my enemy.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:15 pm
by ekwatts
Are those cheap Chinese skirted knobs the ones found on all the Blacktop guitars? I hadn't looked closely but always assumed that Fender would be using the proper Fender amp knobs with the silver depression in the middle, not cheap foil sticker ones (which I've used on my Jag and Nu Sonic because... well, they're cheap).

Anyway, I've had my 25.5 Nu Sonic tuned to A for just over a month and, providing you use the rights strings, is perfectly fine. I did this shortly after buying a baritone/30" scale six string bass of course, which felt kind of pointless, but I have a set of Bass VI strings waiting to go on there so I'll have a nice bass AND a guitar that goes down to A.

But top purchase. I'd like to try one just to see how much difference there is between the Gretsch and my Nu-Sonic. One of the things I've noticed is that while you can tune a 25.5 scale guitar and a baritone to A, they still have a different tonality; one sounds like a low guitar, the other sounds like a bass.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:50 pm
by aen
I dunno, man, they seem like nice knobs to me.
They even say VOL and TONE on them. Better than those stupid witch hats I have rolling around the shop.


Instead of that STUPID recessed cuppy-ass plug hole for your output jack it has a nice FLAT SQUARE of metal with the jack in it. So you can use any kind of damn cable you want. If I had a dollar for every bullshit telecaster cup-jack i've replaced, Id have like $6 and I would spend it on beer tonight, because it's DrummerMatt's birthday.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 4:19 am
by hotrodperlmutter
drummer matt, that fucking hipster.

so wait, these fucking things have rib contours? SHIITTTT

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:18 pm
by aen
Yeah, save your ribs. I dont need a rib contour. I need forearm contour. Teles be eating holes in my arm.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:23 pm
by toez10
aen wrote:Teles be eating holes in my arm.
Every tour I've ever done with a Tele has involved bloody forearms, and a two-month period of waiting for hair to return to my arm. But they sound so good!

Thanks for the in-depth review on the Baritone - I've been curious about them for a few months.

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:41 pm
by dezb1
Do an demo

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:38 pm
by Ankhanu
dezb1 wrote:Do an demo

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:13 am
by hotrodperlmutter

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:04 pm
by theshadowofseattle
Y'all need to L2TELE. I've been playing them so long that guitars with contours at all feel weird.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:59 pm
by Awstin
Love that color. What's it called?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:17 pm
by aen
Copper. Or something.