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Modulation multi-FX recs: Line 6 M5, or...?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:16 pm
by Concretebadger
I don't use modulation very often. I find it to be really neat when used sparingly, but in a crowded board it's a bit of a waste to have a chorus, a flanger a phaser and whatever else on hand when I probably get a couple of verses in one song out of each one.

The M5 does the usual array of choruses, flanges, phases, trems and rotaries but there are little extras like delays and reverbs too (which means I might be able to take one of those off my board). It looks like awesome value for money, but I don't know what the quality of the individual effects are like. It looks too good to be true, if that makes sense.

The Eventide Modfactor also does pretty much every modulation effect I'd need, it's super-tweakable and the midi feature interests me. If I can be arsed to learn how to set it up, I might be able to sync the rate of an effect with the tempo of a Cubase drum track while recording. Handy.

The Blackstar HT-Modulation does modelling of the usual suspects, and the valve apparently adds a bit of 'colour' to the sound.

That's all I've found so far. They're all a similar 2xBoss footprint in size and I'm not fussed about using more than one effect at the same time. The Eventide's a bit pricey though, and the Blackstar doesn't have as many modes so the M5 is still is at the top of my wishlist right now, but if anyone's tried the other two - or uses something different again - I'd appreciate their opinions.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:20 pm
by mastermorya
I had an M9. Was pretty damn cool. I've thought about getting an M5 since I gave my M9 to my brother, who needed it more than I did.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:42 pm
by Gabriel
I use a Zoom G3, it's a brilliant little pedal. I'm not sure it has such an expansive range of modulation as the line 6 stuff but the ones I use are really nice. The added bonus of brilliant delays, reverbs and a good looper is what won me over. Oh and you can pick them up on ebay for £80 all day long.