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New Amp Day! Peavey Renown 212

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:20 pm
by HNB
I wanted to get a big loud solid state to go with my big loud Twin Reverb and came up with this.

IMG_1947 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

IMG_1971 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

IMG_1972 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

IMG_1953 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

IMG_1955 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

IMG_1957 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

IMG_1958 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

Sounds good. Real pan reverb, two channels that are mixed currently since I have no footswitch. At least the reverb is on by default. Definitely loud enough. The Scorpion speakers look hardcore!

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:26 pm
by Gabriel
Awesome! Big Peavey stuff is brilliant.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:47 pm
by HNB
It is also sweet how cheap these are. (Kind of like the Peavey guitars.) US made and solid construction. GREAT value in my opinion.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:51 pm
by Gabriel
Totally, bet it weighs a bloody tonne though.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:54 pm
by HNB
It has some weight to it, but I would say it is around 2/3 the weight of my Twin. That one honestly makes me want a hand truck or baggage truck to move around. LOL

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 2:49 am
by HNB
Some details on the kind of sound you can get out of one of these.

High and Low Gain inputs. I tried both and they both have a slightly different sound. Mostly loudness if that makes sense.

The Lead Gain area (as far as I can tell) lets you pump the volume to get some overdrive. It also seems connected to the EQ right next to it. Those work as expected. The pull switches on the Gain and EQ brighten up the sound a lot. Like the difference between a Jazzy bridge pickup alone and a Jaguar bridge pickup alone. MUCH more treble with those pulled.

The Normal Gain knobs are like a master volume pair. While you can turn the Lead Gain down to zero (if I remember correctly) and still have sound, the Normal Gain at zero kills all sound. The strange EQ knobs after that are kind of cool. Low, Pyramid, and High work similar to Low, Mid, and High, but the Shift knob is almost like a wah pedal effect where you can scoop the sound in different ways. Turning that left and right really sounded like a wah pedal to me. I have it around 800.

Reverb switch is pretty straight forward. Not sure if it is switched on at the moment. I hear it, but it is pretty mild compared to my Twin's reverb. I LOVE that it is a real pan reverb tank. Nice that they included that.

Last are the grounding switch and power switch.

I don't have the footswitch yet, but I am interested in hearing the two sections separate. It feels at the moment like both are on, but without the switch it is hard to say. Reverb feels like it is on, but also without the footswitch to toggle it, it is hard to say.

Speakers are loud and clear. Knobs are pretty solid for plastic. At first I had some crackle noise and sound cutting, but it turned out one of the speaker cables had just come loose. I pushed it back on all the way and it has been fine since.

I got it for like $170 which seems like a steal given that anything new for that price normally would fall apart in a couple of years. Like the Peavey USA guitars, this seems like it isn't going anywhere and is build like a tank.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:42 pm
by Sloan
these sumbitches loud as shit

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:13 pm
by HNB
Totally. Two is loud enough to annoy my wife. (I keep it at three... :))

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:00 am
by HNB
Footswitch came today and it works! I was nervous because the seller said it was unknown if it was functional. I hoped that since it shouldn't be too complicated, it would hold up. :)

IMG_1757 by Hentai No Baka, on Flickr

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:33 am
by hotrodperlmutter
I'm so jealous. Those scorpions are amazing speakers and peavey stuff is so good. I love the reverbz

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:44 am
by HNB
Totally cool. Only gripe with the reverb is that it tries to feedback if I turn it up too much.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:33 am
by paul_
Oh shit, the infamous Tupperware footswitch! Many childhood memories of stepping on one of thems for the chorus of SLTS.