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NPD - Noisy and I'm about to have a paddy :(

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:56 pm
by gusman2x
I got my Blackout Effetors twosome yesterday in the post.

I was really excited, but I hadn't sorted a power supply, as I normally run off batteries (I know, bad me). Anyway, I went to Maplin (electronics store in UK), and got one of these. ... dals-31292

On reading into it a bit more, it's got quite a bad rep, as it only delivers 450 ma total, and isn't isolated. However, I'm only powering (at the moment) the twosome on it, and when I switch it on, the hum/hiss it terrible. I'm using a Squier VM Jag, or a KC Mustang (with the JB), and a Laney VC15. The noise is a bit lower using the stang, but still not right.

I unplugged a load of things in the room, but that made no improvement. I also tried a ts9 and a metal zone on the power supply to see if it's the psu at fault. There was still a bit of a hum, but I'd say at least a 5th of what I am getting with the twosome.

What I'm really asking I guess is, do you think it's worthwhile getting a different power supply to try (kinda don't want to be wasting cash though), or do you think there can be something wrong with the pedal?

Boo, I'm so disappointed, been looking forward to getting this

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:04 am
by gusman2x
No thoughts form the people on here that may know?

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:06 pm
by Mike
450mA should be fine for any dirt pedal. Borrow a friends' supply to eliminate that before worrying about the pedal

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:02 pm
by gusman2x
Thanks Mike. I'm getting a loan of a battery clip tomorrow, so that should eliminate the power supply concern.

I hope it's that the power supply is shit. Does it seem reasonable that the TS9 and MT-2 would make little noise on the psu, but ht twosome does?

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:33 pm
by gusman2x
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

OK, it's official. I'm a bell end.

I got a guy at work to make me a battery adapter, then tried it tonight. The static/hiss was the same, and I was pissed right off. When I switched the pedal off, I reaslised I could still hear it. I then plugged straight from my guitar into the amp, and I could still hear it. I tried another guitar (first a KC mustang with h/b, then a squier Jag), could still hear it. Went up stairs to plug into a little fender solid state, could still hear it.

Soooo, looks like I've had this issue, but as the twosome it higher gain than any of my other pedals, it's amping the static signal more. The noise goes away when I hold onto the end of my lead that's plugged into the guitar. So, is it shitty leads (they're cheap and I don't look after them), or is it something to do with grounding? hat would be odd though as it's happening on both guitars (worse on the jag though because of s/c)

Any further advice is much appreciated.

More to the point though, holy bat shit, how good is the twoesome!