I missed out on a bargain on Gumtree (£300!) so I decided to message those that didn't sell on ebay to see if they were interested in a trade. So I get a reply and ended up trading my (virtually identical) '69RI Mustang for this last week:

A '96 in sonic blue (though his ad said a '95 I don't think they had the 50th anniversary sticker on them), so now I have a twin for my fiesta red! It came with some locking tuners (not sure I'm too keen on them) but it's not going to remain stock for long anyway. I've already ordered a Pat Pend vibrato for it (which will hopefully be as nice as the other 60's unit), once that's arrived I'll get a Staytrem arm to bring it in line with the fiesta playing wise. Then finally upgrading the electronics: CTS pots, Switchcraft on-off-on switches and some new pickups...
The neck pickups are either going to remain stock (they're pretty close to a Mustang pickup anyway) or I'm going to stick a Creamery "Red '79" Mustang pickup in there, haven't quite decided yet, so for now they'll stay stock.
For the bridge pickup I originally intended to get another pickguard cut for single coils (just like the fiesta) but the positioning just doesn't look right. So I decided to get me one of these Oil City BrassKnuckle. It's essentially two single coils slapped together and should sound similar in vein to a Wide-Range when used as a full humbucker.
The plan is to add a push/pull for coil splitting and wire it up so that normally (i.e. down) it will be split and using the rear coil, which should then pretty much be in regular position a Mustang bridge pickup would be (plus I'll have a 12k humbucker when needed). Then the slide switches will be used as a pickup selector and for parallel/series/phase switching.
Just need to find a cheap enough tort pickguard for the fiesta and some plastic no-hole humbucker covers, one black (so the blue one has the pearly pickguard and black covers/switches) and one white (so the fiesta is tort with white covers/switches).