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J/P bass dilema

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:30 am
by Mattsican
So a couple years ago i scored a P bass from a child hood friend. when we were 13 and 14 we decided to start a band. I bought a guitar, cuz it was cheaper, and his parents bought him a 1996 MIM CAR P bass. He never really learned to play and it basically sat in his room thru high school then eventually went up in his parents attic. years later, i asked him if he had it and he said he would have to look around his parents attic. Bottom line is he found it, and sold it to me for $150 bucks. It was is decent condition, just kinda dinged up from sitting around a teenagers room not being played for 4 or 5 years. And then it sat in a cold uninsulated Washington state attic for ten years.

Once i got it i cleaned it up, got some GFS P bass pups for it, swapped the pickguard to black (was white) and put some new knobs on it. I loved it. It sounded great. The nostalgia is a big part of it. I got my Harmony guitar (my very first guitar, i had never even touched one before that) and he got his the same week. I'm primarily a bass player now and i usually play my ibanez 5 string. I recently joined another metal band and i don't need the low B so i was stoked i'd be able to use my P bass.... The neck on that fucker is like a baseball bat. The whole guitar seems incredibly solid for a MIM P bass. I did some reading and mine has a solid black Fender logo. and i from what i hear is its basically a MIA parts bass assembled in mexico. can anyone verify that? I've played some mexican fender basses and they all seem like toys in comparison.

anyways here's the second half of the story. I scored a "crafted in indonesia" squier jazz bass from a bro deal with a buddy involving a trade for an old ibanez bass i had for his J bass + cash. I intended on making the jazz bass a project because he totally fucked the electronics etc with his back alley guitar work and soldering. I loved the way the neck felt. No so much that specific neck, but just the jazz bass neck. i've owned a few jazz bases and the necks were always great. So i thought i'd get cute and swap necks. The P bass fit perfect into the jazz body, but the J neck was too wide for the P bass body. So with a shitload of sandpaper, and about 3 hours to kill today, i sanded it down to fit. everything is sound. I didnt have to adjust the saddles or anything it was perfectly intonated. all i did was lower the saddles a bit.

So now to the weird part... It may not be a "vintage badass instrument" or anything, but i feel like im commiting a crime with a indonesian neck on a 1996 P bass. It doesnt seem to sound as good as before... im not sure if its just me knowing its a cheap neck on it or what. It's not really THAT noticeable but im convinced it isn't as good. I sanded down the J bass neck (not complete bare wood) because it felt sticky and i originally thought i was gonna make it part of the J bass project and thought a blank neck would look good. Now i think the P bass with a blank headstock just looks weak. I almost just want to forget it, and put it back together the way they were. Overall, the P bass plays better with the J neck, but i don't enjoy it as much knowing that it is a cheap neck... I'm almost thinking i liked that bass better knowing it was the same exact bass i played when i was smoking pot out of my buddies window when i was 15 staying over at his house. Even if functionally its not as good as i wish it was.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:57 pm
by stewart
stick the neck back on it then.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:30 pm
by mixtape
Yeah. When in doubt, leave it stock. And there's a lot to be said for nostalgia.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:18 am
by paul_
My friend has a Squier Affinity P-Bass from the early '00s in a gaudy royal blue that feels more "vintage" to me than any CV/MIM/Japanese reissue bass I've EVER encountered. It feels like '70s MIA. The neck is comfortable, the action is low and flawless like it's been given a pro set-up (it's never had one in it's life) and it sounds great. It's even kind of beat up now and has an ill-fitting black replacement pickguard on it, it's probably worth like $80 in it's current condition and it looks like something you'd find at Goodwill/Cash Converters that nobody wants... but the only thing we've ever been slightly interested in replacing on it is the pickup, and we were like "eh, what's the point, it's a p-bass as is." Sometimes the planets just align in the unlikeliest of places, and just as you can get a lemon off a modern mass-production line, you can also get a big fat tangerine.

But then in the almost opposite sentiment of that I would point out that an indonesian Squier neck on a mexican p-bass making for a less nice-sounding instrument almost goes without saying. The neck is everything on a Fender, and Squier make notably cheaper ones out of lower-grade wood the vast majority of the time (even when they feel really good profile-wise or have nice fretwork, they can warp more easily or have sharper fingerboard edges, nutwork is something to watch out for, etc...) Whereas I've put MIM and MIJ necks on loaded Squier bodies and without changing anything else got about 3x as much guitar back in return. The sustain/sonic properties and/or playability just jumped through the roof and it suddenly felt like a guitar that would've cost far more in a shop.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:03 am
by Mattsican
I noticed the nut on the Indo neck is almost too small. It's not flush with the rest of the neck on the sides at all. I noticed that the P Bass neck is easily twice as heavy as the J neck. It made the jazz bass weigh a ton. More than my mahogany ibanez 5 string. I'm probably going to switch it back though if for no other reason it just looks weird hanging on my wall that way.

Re: J/P bass dilema

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:47 pm
by theshadowofseattle
Mattsican wrote:I did some reading and mine has a solid black Fender logo. and i from what i hear is its basically a MIA parts bass assembled in mexico. can anyone verify that? I've played some mexican fender basses and they all seem like toys in comparison.
Nah, dude. MIA nothing, those were the first MIM Squiers. They had solid black Fender logos with "Squier Seriers" on the circular bit on the headstock. Lotsa people sanded that off. My P-bass is the same series.

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:50 pm
by theshadowofseattle
some peanutbutter wrote:You might have heard of mexican made Fender guitars with a black headstock decal, sometimes associated with some mystery Squier Series made in Mexico. It’s true that there actually was a “Squier Series� that was made by Fender in Mexico and featured a black decal on the headstock, but not all mexican made Fender guitars with such a black label were part of that very “Squier Series�. Since there appears to be a lot of confusion and half-knowledge about these guitars out there, I decided to do some research on my own.

The black label was used by Fender Mexico for a limited time only between 1993 and 1998. It can be found exclusively on the rather short lived mexican “Traditional� and “Squier� series for the Telecaster, Stratocaster and Precision Bass. Usually, Squier is to Fender what Epiphone is to Gibson. In this very case, the use of the name “Squier� had nothing to do with the actual Squier brand, as the series was named “Squier Series�, but it was by all means a Fender series, not a Squier series. The keyword is “series�, not “Squier�. The regular mexican “Standard� series was available too at the time, but it already featured the same silver-ish logo that is still used for it today. However, between 1993 and 1998, both labels (the black AND the silver-ish one) were used for mexican made Fender guitars, but for (slightly) different guitars.

The guitars with the black label consisted mostly of overstock american made Fender necks and bodies. The parts were shipped to Mexico for assembly with mexican made pickups and far eastern hardware and electronics. The overall quality of these guitars turned out to be below the Squiers made in Japan and Korea, whose production came to an end around the time the mexican made guitars with the black label surfaced, yet above Squiers made in China and Indonesia, whose production had not yet begun at the time. The guitars ended up on the american and european market for just about as much as a guitar from the regular “Standard� series would cost at the time.

Some (not all!) of the guitars were sold for a few bucks less as they came with 1-ply pickguards and hardware of slightly lesser quality. Those guitars (and those only!) had an additional smaller “Squier Series� label on front of the headstock, right were the artist models have the artist’s signature. Though some owners probably sanded off their “Squier Series� label, it is not true that all guitars with a black label had a “Squier Series� label in the first place. Most guitars with the black label featured tuners and bridges of decent quality as well as 3-ply pickguards. These guitars did not have the additional “Squier Series� label and were called the “Traditional Series�, which was stated nowhere on the headstock but the guitars were listed, advertised and sold as such.

The “Traditional Series� can be considered the slightly better but the “Squier Series� sure is the more obscure. At the end of the day, there really is not that much difference between the two. The most significant difference can be found on the Telecaster. The Telecaster from the “Traditional Series� had the traditional through-body stringing, while the Telecasters from the “Squier Series� were Top Loaders with different bridges, saddles and no string holes in the back.

The guitars from that very “Squier Series� are official and genuine Fender guitars like any mexican made Fender guitar regardless, and if you have a mexican made Fender Telecaster, Stratocaster or Precision Bass with a black label and a serial number beginning with MN3, MN4, MN5, MN6, MN7 or MN8, you have a genuine Fender guitar – with or without a small “Squier Series� label.
oh true?

That MIA overstock shit is hella misleading though: at the time ALL necks and bodies were cut in the USA since there was no CNC machine in the Mexico plant. Even the MIM Squiers were cut in the USA.