My oldest proper setup and one I used and gigged for years was:
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Jagstang/LP copy - Bad Horsie Wah - Zoom 707 - Marshall Valvestate VS100R
Now I loved that setup, I barely used the Zoom, mostly just for a tuner and then chorus or phase in a couple of songs. What I mostly miss is the fact that I wasn't that bothered about guitars, pickups, pedals, leads, speakers, amps, tubes... I just plugged in and played the damn thing. My spare waking hours weren't spent reading about minute details that may or may not make any difference to your "tone", they were purely spent playing guitar. I really miss that. Unfortunately I don't have any pics.
This is the oldest of my subsequent pedalboards I could find, still playing through the Marshall VS100R at this point:
But don't get me wrong, I love my current set up, we'll my "real" one back in the UK:
This has stayed static, amp and pedals-wise, longer than any setup I have had since that first one. And I am really happy with it. The odd pedal or guitar purchase comes and goes but basically it stayed the same for a couple of years now. The amps are just brilliant, I love them all. My RV50 is what I use(d) mostly in the last band and an amp that I fundamentally adore as I mistakenly sold my first one and ended up buying a replacement a couple of years later when I could no longer live with the mistake. James' old '64 Bassman is a glorious thing, I regret not having the opportunity to gig it yet. And the Princeton is a lovely little amp which I use at home.
While I am in China I am rocking this:
It does the job nicely.