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i played the new fenders yesterday

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:25 pm
by brainfur
and fuck the haters man that bass 6 is fucking fantastic bargain for 800 bucks. the jazzmaster pup looks weird but sounds good and is probably not rly a jm pup anyway

the supersonic felt weird and tiny against my enormous man's body but sounded OK-- the pickups were "hot" and a little bit "metal" but IMO thats cool for a lot of stuff
the gunmetal flake paint was stunning and overall quality build quality felt great

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 3:31 pm
by HNB
From what I understand the PS VI has a humbucker housed in a Jazzy cover.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:53 am
by Ankhanu
HNB wrote:From what I understand the PS VI has a humbucker housed in a Jazzy cover.
Correct; the same pickup that's in the Pawn Shop Offset Special.

I'm a VI player, and am really curious to give these guys a try. The well-made demos I've seen/heard of them sound pretty good; I had strong reservations about them when I read the specs, but the demos have opened my mind on them.