I went through Orlando yesterday and visited the Guitar Center there. They have a "Platinum" section with guitars starting at around $3K. I'm not really into artificial relic guitars, but this one was really well done. It had a $4600 price tag.
the body isn't bad, but the neck irks me the wrong way. its too shiny/glossy in some spots.
it'd be nice to go back to 1987 and score an o.g. one for a couple hundered bucks via a newspaper or pawn shop
maybe a later one, in that same condition could be had for under 5,000.00 but it seems like that market jumped about 1,000.00-1,500.00 across the board in the last 2.5 years. i remember looking at vintage pre-cbs jags for right around 1,000.00 granted they usually had diff tuners, diff pups, or a refret, or bad re-fin.
but the basis of the guitar was still there and it wouldn't take much to bring it back to life.
the best one i saw was on guitar-base guitar mall or something like that and it was a 66 with one block that was changed to red tort or something ugly. the rest of the guitar was ace, still had the mute, case, and bridge cover, all for less than 1,000.00 and it really wasn't that bad off as far as wear. i want to say that was 2010 or so.
1. Blue slurpy juice in the Mary Kaye white nitro, 1:5 ratio.
2. Spray on one-ply.
3. Stick it in the shed for a decade
4. Run around a sheet of sandpaper and do an krylon clear gloss.
4. Collect them dollars.
There was a 1963 Jaguar in olympic white at the guitar shop down the street from me going for $1900. As far as I could tell, the only modification done to is was the Rhythm switch either painted white or actually switched out for a white one. It did have a fair bit of melty paint as if it touched vinyl, a bit of buckle rash, and the bridge was covered in rust, but otherwise it looked pretty good. Naturally, I wanted it bad.
Doog wrote:Tone is stored in the balls
theshadowofseattle wrote:That's why there's two: one for pee, one for tone.