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Anyone ever used a Boss PS-6 Harmonist?
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:02 am
by luciguci
Recently become interested in one, mostly for the pitch shifter and detune. Wondering if anyone here has used one and liked it? How well does it handle chords in the pitch shift mode?
Re: Anyone ever used a Boss PS-6 Harmonist?
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:38 pm
by 71Smallbox
daftsupernova wrote:Recently become interested in one, mostly for the pitch shifter and detune. Wondering if anyone here has used one and liked it? How well does it handle chords in the pitch shift mode?
I have the PS-5 and it doesn't work well with certain chords, it does that bad glitchy thing. I imagine the PS-6 operates in a similar fashion. Go try one out. I really like the Trem Arm setting set for a slow speed with some distortion and an analog delay after, makes it sound like a siren.
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:46 pm
by Zack
I have one, it rarely gets any use from me although I chalk that up to not using many pedals as of late. From what I recall, the three voice harmony stuff can be a little goofy, a couple of the settings remind me of the first generation POG, which I used to own but I never really got along with for this reason: too many of the octaves were for higher registers. I never found a use for the synthy organ sound. There are only a couple of modes on the PS6 that emulate that type of sound, I was just looking at the manual and it seems that you can split them up dependent on the stereo output. The S-bend function is a pretty cool feature, although I can see it being problematic changing it on the fly or between songs if you find multiple settings that you'd want to use it for, primarily because I've found that messing with the rise & fall time is a must when dealing with different shift settings. I recently just tried playing a bit of stuff on the thing and it handles chords really well in my opinion, I was mostly playing around with bar chords, threw in a couple major 7s in there and it didn't have any tracking issues to my ear. On the other hand, I'm relatively certain it's dependent on speed and the amount of notes in the chord itself. Like if you were to throw in a super dissonant note it might have some issues picking it up or it might not even register the note in question. There were times when I was playing it and I knew that it was artificial, yet still felt plausible sonically, meaning it still has that slight digital artifact every now & then. It's not necessarily a glitch, and I'm not doing a good job explaining it but it's like you know it's not an organic sound yr guitar would normally make. This is all from playing clean, when I sat down to write this lengthy post I questioned whether or not plugging a dirt box in front of it would cause it to glitch out, and I'm almost certain it would in certain circumstances. If you were thinking about a dirty sound then putting the ps6 before the dirt box would most likely combat any major glitchy-ness, unless of course you want that. Again, I haven't tried it yet.
I can't say how it holds up to the PS5 model as I havent used one and I'm sure that there will be times when it will glitch out, but I haven't gotten to that point yet. As for the detune feature, it also handles chords well, but I personally haven't really found a use for it.
Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:10 pm
by FredJr
I tried one for quite a while and I admire anyone who can make music with one - they have a LOT more patience than I have!