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Laney LV100

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:14 pm
by Freddy V-C

I just pulled the trigger on one of these beautiful bastards! I should have it by Friday...

I've fallen out of love with my Tiny Terror recently, so I'm currently trying to sell it locally (if it doesn't sell soon it'll probably pop up in the classifieds, just trying to avoid dealing with postage if possible). It probably wasn't hugely sensible to buy this when the TT hasn't sold yet, but I have an overdraft and like to live DANGEROUSLY (plus I've had a lot of interest so I'm expecting it to sell pretty soon).

The 2x12 version of this amp is at our practice space, and having played through it a few times it seems to make all the sounds I want to make. It's also LOUD AS FUCK. For those not in the know, this is Laney's 'entry level' (65 watts through a 1x12 is more than enough for me though, thanks...) hybrid amp. I was put off hybrid amps by the Vox Valvetronix abomination I owned a few years ago, but I'm hoping this will reaffirm my faith.

You can await my first impressions this weekend!

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:31 pm
by Doog
Coolcool, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts; I nearly bought one of them before I ended up getting a (non-adequately loud, probably due to old caps) Marshall VS100R.

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 9:20 pm
by sholkham
That's what an overdraft is for. just out of curiosity what made you fall out of love with the tiny terror?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:01 pm
by Freddy V-C
No problems with the sound, I just started to get sick of carrying an amp and a cab to gigs. I'm a short guy, so carrying a guitar, pedal board, amp and 1x12 is pretty taxing. I tried downsizing to a 1x8 cab, but it just isn't quite loud enough for some of the gigs we play. I'm hoping that carrying a 1x12 combo will be easier.

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 1:54 am
by luciguci
Out of curiosity, I just checked the specs on this and I'm not sure it's an actual hybrid amp (tube pre-amp and SS power amp, or vice versa).

The page for the LV100, which you bought, has no mention of any tubes, only "Tube Emulating Circuitry"; the LV200 is 65 watts w/1x12" speaker as well, but it has a tube preamp.

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:29 am
by Freddy V-C
Doesn't bother me either way to be honest, haha. But cheers for the info!

IN OTHER NEWS: My bank just rang me because they thought me ordering this amp was FRAUD. Shit, son.

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:49 am
by Concretebadger
Freddy V-C wrote:Doesn't bother me either way to be honest, haha. But cheers for the info!

IN OTHER NEWS: My bank just rang me because they thought me ordering this amp was FRAUD. Shit, son.
It happens. Credit card companies can get a bit, how should I say, over-zealous with security. I had a phone call from them one time, after I booked a plane ticket. I think any large and/or unusual transaction is flagged up...annoying sometimes but better than the alternative of being the victim of real fraud, I guess.