NAD! Tiny Terror Terrorises Town
Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:58 pm
Well, i'd been thinking for a while about getting a small head to take to practices,
as i was getting sick of different amps and different sounds without much consistency..
Having not paid much attention to the Tiny Orange range before, i was amazed at how compact
they were after spying one on stage at the Local "Godiva" free music festival in Coventry..
Amp Gas definitely set in, and feeling flush after saving up, i did a bit of internet digging, i realised i could get the Micro Terror for £100,
or the Tiny Terror for a shade over £200..
I took a trip to my local music shop, took one look at the Micro, and thought "That bugger wont stay on the cab long",
before trying the Tiny Terror that they had up for £249...
WOW!! i was blown away...loved it to bits, so i cheekily offered £220...and got the deal!
Bought it at 2:00pm i was playing a charity gig in Coventry with it!
Really really amazed by its power and sound..roll off the gain and the pedals come thru no problem...
Had to chuckle to myself as the other bands carted mahoosive heads around, where i just slung the Terror over
my shoulder in its bag ha ha!! LOVE IT!!

as i was getting sick of different amps and different sounds without much consistency..
Having not paid much attention to the Tiny Orange range before, i was amazed at how compact
they were after spying one on stage at the Local "Godiva" free music festival in Coventry..
Amp Gas definitely set in, and feeling flush after saving up, i did a bit of internet digging, i realised i could get the Micro Terror for £100,
or the Tiny Terror for a shade over £200..
I took a trip to my local music shop, took one look at the Micro, and thought "That bugger wont stay on the cab long",
before trying the Tiny Terror that they had up for £249...
WOW!! i was blown away...loved it to bits, so i cheekily offered £220...and got the deal!
Bought it at 2:00pm i was playing a charity gig in Coventry with it!
Really really amazed by its power and sound..roll off the gain and the pedals come thru no problem...
Had to chuckle to myself as the other bands carted mahoosive heads around, where i just slung the Terror over
my shoulder in its bag ha ha!! LOVE IT!!