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NPD: Cathedral
Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:14 am
by StevePirates
Won this bad boy the other day. The bypass button is a little sticky, which is fine since I don't switch on and off much. Has a few minor scratches on the sticker. Other than that it's wonderful. I've wanted one of these for a while now, finally got around to pulling the trigger. I'm glad I did. Sounds great CP jag -> Cathedral -> Musicmaster Bass.
I really enjoy the various mode, the flerb is especially fun, and the infinite reverb sustain is like angels singing in some sort of large church building or something.
Original auction link.
Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:21 am
by luciguci
I've never heard a good demo of the infinite reverb function, every demo of the Cathedral just mentions it in passing and moves on. Is it basically just like a freeze function or what? Maybe possibly do a little demo just for the infinte reverb?
Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 4:44 am
by StevePirates
It is an infinite sustain. Whatever notes or chord is being played when you push the button stays on (with whatever modulation) while you hold the button.
I have a conference tomorrow, but when I get home Saturday night I'll make a demo of the hold.
Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 11:08 am
by Concretebadger
ENVY. I've wanted one of these for ages, but they never seem to come up on the second-hand market in these parts. I guess that says something about how good they are...I've not heard a bad thing said about them. If the Hall and Spring settings are the same as the Grail series, it really is worth owning.
I'd love to hear a demo of the 'infinite' function too, because I'm sure I'd find a use for it.
Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:11 am
by gdayj
I got mine BIN for $85 shipped.
Still can't believe it