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JM/Jag hum cancelling: Good answers, so Qurey deleted.

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:06 pm
by Lee Van Leer
Thanks, guys.


Re: Does a Jag go into HB mode when both P.U. are on, like J

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:13 pm
by taylornutt
Lee Van Leer wrote:And, if not, do any other short-scale or offset Fenders have that feature? ~~ Q. #2: Are Jag p.u.'s actually the same as Strat p.u./'s?
If not, how do they differ? (# of windings, magnet strength, etc.)
On a Standard Jaguar, when both pickups are on, they are in parallel. Not sure is a HB is wired in parallel or series, but its two pickups on at the same time which is similar. The Johnny Marr Jaguar has the option for both series and parallel like a Baja tele.

I believe the pickups are similar to Strat pickups, but the pots in the Jaguar are much higher (1meg pots) which impacts the sound quite a bit. Not sure about windings or anything else.

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:20 pm
by paul_
Which Strat?

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:22 pm
by taylornutt
paul_ wrote:Which Strat?

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:26 pm
by paul_
It's literally impossible to answer the latter question. There have been so many variations of Strat pickup over the years that even if you're talking pre-CBS only it doesn't apply to reissues of said guitars, and from 1954-1965 there were still too many variables to really nail it down.

Most people's idea of a classic '60s Strat pickup and classic '50s Strat pickup differ, neither one is really most people's idea of a classic Jag pickup, etc... Japanese '57 and '62 Strat reissues used identical pickups, Japanese '62 Jaguar reissues had something entirely different.

Short answer is "they're really different" but it's kind of a moot point since Jaguars and Strats don't sound much at all alike for a bunch of other reasons, like physical build differences and bridges and everything. A strat with Jaguar pickups is going to sound like a Strat and vice versa. This applies to wildly different pickups as well. Strats with humbuckers and P90s installed still have that Stratty sound. Not to mention pickups back then were scatterwound by hand and varied greatly from guitar-to-guitar, even if it's two Jaguars with consecutive serials... so I'm sure some vintage Jaguar pickups would measure similarly to Strats' while others didn't, and they certainly don't often spec them relative to each other now, depending on which five billion models of contemporary Strat/Jag on offer you may be thinking of.

They also use different bobbins. It's really like asking if Jazzmaster and Strat pickups are the same thing.
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Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:34 pm
by taylornutt
When I posted earlier stating Strat pups are similiar to Jaguar pups, I meant from a construction stand point. the plate is slightly a different shape though.

You would need to find a specific set of Strat pups to compare to specific set of Jaguar pickups. Too many variations to speak in general.

Paul_ 's explaination above is great.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:32 am
by Fakir Mustache
I don't think he was asking about parallel/series, but if one of the pickups is reverse wound/reverse polarity.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:57 pm
by robert(original)
a humbucker is just two singles wound opposite of eachother, so is a jag or jazzy like a humbucker when both pups are on, no. they are not.
someone else said something about the jazzy having a "feature" that makes both pups act like one humbucker when they are on, as far as i know, this is not true, at all.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:55 pm
by George
robert(original) wrote:a humbucker is just two singles wound opposite of eachother, so is a jag or jazzy like a humbucker when both pups are on, no. they are not.
someone else said something about the jazzy having a "feature" that makes both pups act like one humbucker when they are on, as far as i know, this is not true, at all.
the difference is a humbucker is wired in series, a jag or jazzy in parallel by default. series means combined strength of both coils wired end to end to make an output equalling both added together. parallel means each pickup side by side with both outputs remaining the same.

you can wire either the opposite way, therefore two single coils side by side instead of a humbucker, or a jag/jazzy/whatever wired to be one big humbucker. it's a very easy mod to do

reverse wind, reverse polarity is the "wired opposite of each other thing" which makes it hum cancelling, but isn't what give a humbucker its tone. many single coil sets (tele, strats etc) take advantage of this hum cancelling effect and this is why middle positions are hum cancelling, even when in parallel

what gives the jazzmaster/jazzy rhythm circuit its flabby dull tone is the lower pot values of like 50k or something. nothing about it wires it as a humbucker in standard wiring

Robert in the U.K.: Best answer yet! re hum-cancelling (?)

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:23 pm
by Lee Van Leer
...or not, in JMs. Thanks so much.


Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:52 pm
by George
Why would you delete the original post and title

That's fucked up dude

You're not that Larry Mai guy are you?

Bcuz I don't know how to make a post "disappear".

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:56 pm
by Lee Van Leer
BTW, I'm Lorenzo Alfonso Mai, NOT that other 'Larry' Mai.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:26 pm
by robert(original)

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:27 pm
by George
can a modmin give us an ip check here?

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:14 pm
by Pens
I only see this user as using this IP. Who is the other user you're wondering about?

EDIT: Nevermind, I looked it up in our unwieldy userlist. Fuck me we have a lot of users here.

Not the same IP as Larry Mal. Carry on and try to be nice. We don't have to chase away another person.

Guy up top, in the future please do not edit your post or thread title, especially one in which a question is answered, as that answer could be relevant to another user in the future. Thanks.

Re: JM/Jag hum cancelling: Good answers, so Qurey deleted.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:18 pm
by dots
Lee Van Leer wrote:Thanks, guys.

probably should have left this in case someone else with the same issue was searching for the same answers you received. ;-]