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So I always hit the toggle on a LP.
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:40 am
by h8mtv
I really like LP style guitars but I hate the placement of the toggle. I think I may put a kill switch there just to fill the hole and relocate the toggle in place of one of the tone pots. All of the arcade type button switches I have are much larger than the original hole will fit. Can anyone suggest a drop in?
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 6:29 am
by sunshiner
Maybe some rotary switch? But they all are too big
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 8:14 pm
by Zack
Rotate it 90° like how people do on jazzmasters? ? I've seen some toggles that have had the plastic piece & metal thread broken off, theoretically you could still toggle it. There are some momentary switches that are sold at radio shack that are probably too small but I recall there being a few size choices.
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:20 pm
by othomas2
Don't play Les Pauls haa.. ?
In all seriousness.... Do you hit the switch accidentally ? I never see how folk hit the those switches, same with the Jaguar ones !!
But yeah, all for moving stuff to suit the player. Down the bottom would be cool, would you just have a master tone then ?
Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 9:52 pm
by mixtape
Goots. wrote:Rotate it 90° like how people do on jazzmasters?
Posted: Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:41 am
by paul_
Pretty sure jazzy togglies are like that stock due to being right-angle SG/335 switches mounted 90 degrees to how Gibson does it and with no room to be rotated. The cheapo ones in Squiers can be rotated either way though.
I'm thinking if you keep accidentally hitting the selector switch you'll be accidentally hitting a killswitch too, making anything except a momentary push-button a likely waste of time.
Maybe one of these would fit, though the diameter actually looks smaller than a 3-way and (there's probably a difference between imperial and metric diameters for 3-ways too, but the nut might sort that out)
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:17 pm
by Awstin
Make it a killswitch and take out a volume knob and install a rotary switch, put back on regular knob.
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:50 pm
by robert(original)
i always hit toggle switches right there as well. just take the tip off. i did that on my tele.
i rarely ever change pickups in the middle of a song anyway so...
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:59 pm
by Chris Fleming
there must be some sort of mini rotary switch you can use? I would have thought there would be something meant for a pedal perhaps that would be small enough?
What size is the hole?
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:42 pm
by paul_
metric 12mm
switchcraft 1/2"
Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 11:41 am
by h8mtv
I found a momentary switch that is nearly flush I am going to put there if the depth is correct. Looks like I have 16mm of threaded shaft so I think so. The diameter is the proper 12mm.
Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:54 pm
by Fakir Mustache
You can also reverse the lugs on the volume pots so you can simply blend whatever combination of pickups, if you don't put a pickup selector in.
Check a Jazz Bass schematic for details.
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:10 am
by h8mtv
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I eliminated tone control on the bridge pickup and found a very nice killswitch that dropped right in. I doubt I'll use it unless maybe making noises with delay, but problem solved.