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What time sig do I need for "1 2 3 AND 1 2 3 AND"

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:49 pm
by George
I can't get it to fit in 4/4 and I'm quite sure it's not 3/4

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:10 pm
by Mo Law-ka
Is it:

1 2 3 +


1 2 3 (4) +

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:26 pm
by Brandon W
that's not a time sig like that. It should be 4/4..replace the and with 4..why would there be "and"..

It may be 3/4..try it with an and after each beat, 1 and 2 and 3 and..does it feel like a fast waltz?

It has to fit in 4/4 because it's 4 beats right? you're counting the and as a whole beat? If you're saying it's shorter than the others then it's still 4/4 with a rest on the 1st beat of the 4..if i could hear it then i probably could help.

So count it back out with ands on every 8th notes in other words..both 4/4 and 3/4 in 8th notes and that should give you the answer..

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:29 pm
by George
Sorry I've just answered my own question. It's easier to treat it as 2 bars. It goes

1 2 3 and 1 2 3 4 and

So yeah it resolves itself by putting the extra half beat on the end but I couldn't see it before. I think. Sorry I'm terrible with beats and time signatures

It's just 4/4 or 8/4 lol

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:41 pm
by Brandon W
My last question would have been the downbeats..once we confirmed it was 4/4..then it's a question of the downbeat to tell you if it's actually 8/4 or 4/'s the same shit though except it gets a harder beat on every other one..that's probably why it felt funny in 4/4 at is even notes though so 3/4 is not an're right...or i'm right..or whatever

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:41 pm
by Freddy V-C
If you want to get really technical I think you could notate it as alternating between a bar of 7/8 and a bar of 9/8, but there's no real need.

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:08 am
by Dave

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:06 pm
by sunshiner
I have problems with the rhythm, too. I've always tried to play guitar patterns intuitevely, but now I see that without practising with metronome and without counting it is impossible for me to improve my internal metronome.
This little girl is so much better in rhythm staff than me