After seeing the chap from Poino wrestle with his whatever-the-fuck-it-is, I kinda fancy looking into getting something a bit more 'wonky' after having played a Stratish, Teleish and Jazzmaster for so long.
Of course, nowdays 'unusual and wonky' doesn't come cheap like it used to, but what are some of your faves, either brands or models? Old or current?
This post makes me sound like a total poser, I realise: I just wanna see dat wonk*.
*Dave's not allowed to change the 'o' to 'a' for hilarious consequences
you strike me as a bud who likes modern conveniences like flat radii, and slim necks etc, which is why i think these soviet/eastern bloc guitars may not be for you. this is basically a strat on a pointy body but whatever, you can always mod it
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:37 pm
by George
woah this is fucking cool, wish i'd know about this
if you like that you may like the gretsch electromatic range too. they look cool, i just didn't like the pickups at all. the double jet just looks so awesome