Impending NAD - Ashdown EB LITE 12-220

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Freddy V-C
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Impending NAD - Ashdown EB LITE 12-220

Post by Freddy V-C »

Yeah, so I kind of just bought an ex-display one of these on a bit of a whim.


I've recently switched from guitar to bass in my band and I don't currently have a usable bass rig. We play a lot of gigs at the moment and although we're often able to borrow from other bands, I'm always much more comfortable knowing that we can bring all our own gear if need be. The only real reason for me not to buy a decent-ish amp is that I'm unlikely to be switching to bass permanently. The plan is to start looking for a new bassist around June/July though, so I've got at least three months of regular gigs on bass.

So, my plan was to do a few weeks of research into what I wanted, then buy something which I could sell later. Then I saw this for cheap (due to it being ex-display), and having used one for a recording session a few days ago and basically fallen in love with it, I couldn't pass up the opportunity. The fact that I've got the amp for a discounted price means that when I do sell it in a few months time I'll be more likely to make most of my money back. And unlike most 'budget' giggable amps I've been looking at, I've played through one of these before and I know I like the sound. The money was saved up in a bank account I rarely use, and I figure when I sell the amp this summer I can pay the money straight back in, and I'll maybe end up losing £50 overall, if that. I reckon £50 is worth it for having a reliable bass setup for the gigs we've got coming up (INCLUDING PLAYING AT LIVE AT LEEDS IN MAY WHICH I'M DEAD EXCITED ABOUT).

So far this thread is basically me justifying this purchase to myself. Pics/opinions when it arrives!
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Post by Doog »

gr8 amps, frend
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Freddy V-C
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Post by Freddy V-C »

Should be arriving tomorrow, in theory...
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Post by stewart »

i use ashdown stuff (pretty much by accident) and like it. although the combo has had 2 blown speakers, and has something wrong with its insides, now i think about it...

i've used more expensive amps, and find that until you get into the realms of >£500, i tend to prefer these.
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Post by Progrockabuse »

When I was playing bass a few years ago, I had the head version and a 2x10 mag cab. It was on crazy discount from academy of sound for £190 for both! Great Amp for the money and never let me down.
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