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NGD: 1969 Fender Maverick!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:28 pm
by Pacafeliz
well yes this is a DREAM COME TRUE like no other.
NEVER ever thought i'd get my creepy little hands on one of these... and now it's here!

as you might know by now, Rick(ard) here was looking for a "perfect" worn-in B&B jazzmaster, and he'd trade for this his Maverick (which used to belong to member here DarrelT, years ago, and refinished the body in some sorta IBM). Rick got a modded/routed but original sunburst Maverick/Custom body for it and slapped all the parts on this one.

well i have/had 2 B&B jazzers, the '69 with the dimarzio and AVRI pups, and the '72 with the buchered neck (Gonkulator is working on it still, and i'm still gonna need someone to make a fretboard for it... please!). we decided it would be fair for both if i gave him the unmolested '72 body with the '69s neck on it (he posted his NGD above), and so we did it.

the Mav arrived a couple days ago with no probs, and the "extra" blue body! :w00t: (i'm gonna need another neck for that one, since a normal strat or so neck WILL NOT fit - but that'll be another story)...

i'm still OH SO AMAZED this has happened. plus, i find the MAVERICK logo SO MUCH cooler (THEE COOLEST) than the Custom's.
i've had an XII before (and sold it to someone here, a friend of mjet's). i've had a friggin' Bass V, and i do still own my '63 Bass VI project (to be fixed this summer, promissed!!!). but i never ever dreamed of owning a Mav.

the neck is wider, of course, but VERY comfortable. the sound is warmer and less shrill than on the XII (iirc) and it's a VERY playable guitar, all over.
Rich had warned me of the pups being very microphonic, but i really don't find them that much of a PITA - or at all.
it's wonderful.

i stare at it for HOURS.
life's good.

but ok, here's porn:
(sorry there wasn't too much sun anymore...)





yes it was once modded for sting-thru... :fp:



here you can see where/how they plugged the XII's string-thru. that's why they were all black on the back.

:-* :-* :-*

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:49 pm
by theshadowofseattle
I'll say it again: WHAT A TRADE

Love the Maverick, and DAT ARCHITECTURE in the background.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:42 pm
by Richard
Looks great! Glad you love it, but I'm not going to lie– these pictures put a knot in my stomach. I miss it terribly. No regrets, though. The JM is a better fit. Really stoked that you don't find the pickups problematic.

Did you notice how ridiculously checked the IBM body is? It wasn't until it spent an entire winter in a box in the trunk of my car. I didn't notice until I was about to ship it and said to myself "Whoa! This body is way cooler than I remember".

Once more, if you EVER part with it I'm your guy and vice versa. Enjoy!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:54 am
by jagsonic
That's such a cool guitar! I love it an congratulate you to your deal!!! Would love to have such an original in my hands...

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:17 pm
by torchindy
That looks killer! I always wondered what those pickups would sound like with 6 strings...

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:20 pm
by Pacafeliz
torchindy wrote:That looks killer! I always wondered what those pickups would sound like with 6 strings...
i'll be home alone this weekend, so i hope to be able to make an video demo, stay tuned!

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 6:59 pm
by LizardKing