So I had some vouchers for my birthday for a local guitar shop. It the shop i get pretty much everything from. So I picked up one of these.
Was planning to grab one of tim's clones, but thought I'd try this first. The dual terror is fickle with pedals and got this for £40! Loyal customer discount lol. I'll see how it goes and then maybe treat myself to one of tim's!
Fender Classic Player 60’s Stratocaster>East Coast T1 Tele>
Epiphone Les Paul SL>Ovation 12 String acoustic>Peavey Strat DIY Relic
Marshall Origin 20H>James’s old purple 2x10
Marshall MG10 Combo
well, i can now see what all the klone/klon fuss is all about.
hadn't really had much time to try it out at home, so it was straight into the deep end at band practice. i kept the back off so i could flick between the buffered and true bypass mode. fuck me, does the buffer make everything sound better! i only running a 3-4 pedals at the most, two true bypass and to with debatable quality bypass. feels cliche say it but it did feel like a blanket it had been lifted of my amp. more dynamic and a more balanced sound. don't think my amp and tele have sounded better. turning it on and driving the amp was pure fucking bliss, i cut through like a fart in a florists! set it up with the treble cut slightly and drive at 11 volume at 12-1.
i plugger my mooer green mile (tubescreamer) back in and could tell that whilst is was a good pedal, the soul food just sounds amazing. might have to splurge and get one of tim's zombie Klones now!
Fender Classic Player 60’s Stratocaster>East Coast T1 Tele>
Epiphone Les Paul SL>Ovation 12 String acoustic>Peavey Strat DIY Relic
Marshall Origin 20H>James’s old purple 2x10
Marshall MG10 Combo
Progrockabuse wrote: fuck me, does the buffer make everything sound better! feels cliche say it but it did feel like a blanket it had been lifted of my amp. more dynamic and a more balanced sound. don't think my amp and tele have sounded better.
I have one of Tim's Golden Eagle klones and i'm running it third in my chain (after a Boss TU2 and FZ2), would the quality of the sound differ at all if I ran it first in my chain?
Progrockabuse wrote: fuck me, does the buffer make everything sound better! feels cliche say it but it did feel like a blanket it had been lifted of my amp. more dynamic and a more balanced sound. don't think my amp and tele have sounded better.
I have one of Tim's Golden Eagle klones and i'm running it third in my chain (after a Boss TU2 and FZ2), would the quality of the sound differ at all if I ran it first in my chain?
I've got one of these pedals as well, and I like it alot. I use it much like my tubescreamer or SD-1 as a mild boost, but I like the way this works better, and it stacks so much better than either of those pedals. I am going to change out the BAT diodes in it for some old germanium 1N270's when I get them in the mail to get it closer to the original circuiit.