Duncan '59B + JazzN Combo
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:45 pm
Ok, I don't know if this is the right section to talk about this kind of things so you are free to move (or delete) the post in another one.
The most common combinations of Duncan humbuckers are JB in bridge position + '59 in neck position/ JB in bridge position + Jazz in neck position; I made some researches on the web and the difference between the '59 and the Jazz is basically that the first one has "more bass" and the second one has "more middle and treble". I've seen that people prefer the Jazz in neck position rather than the '59 just for this reason. So my question is another one: how about a Duncan '59 in bridge + Jazz in neck combo? I'd like to know your opinions because I'm not so expert about differences among different pickups. If the general opinion is negative, I will probably opt for a JB in bridge + Jazz in neck combo...
The most common combinations of Duncan humbuckers are JB in bridge position + '59 in neck position/ JB in bridge position + Jazz in neck position; I made some researches on the web and the difference between the '59 and the Jazz is basically that the first one has "more bass" and the second one has "more middle and treble". I've seen that people prefer the Jazz in neck position rather than the '59 just for this reason. So my question is another one: how about a Duncan '59 in bridge + Jazz in neck combo? I'd like to know your opinions because I'm not so expert about differences among different pickups. If the general opinion is negative, I will probably opt for a JB in bridge + Jazz in neck combo...