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Duncan '59B + JazzN Combo

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 2:45 pm
by Golden_Sonic
Ok, I don't know if this is the right section to talk about this kind of things so you are free to move (or delete) the post in another one.
The most common combinations of Duncan humbuckers are JB in bridge position + '59 in neck position/ JB in bridge position + Jazz in neck position; I made some researches on the web and the difference between the '59 and the Jazz is basically that the first one has "more bass" and the second one has "more middle and treble". I've seen that people prefer the Jazz in neck position rather than the '59 just for this reason. So my question is another one: how about a Duncan '59 in bridge + Jazz in neck combo? I'd like to know your opinions because I'm not so expert about differences among different pickups. If the general opinion is negative, I will probably opt for a JB in bridge + Jazz in neck combo...

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:52 pm
by Fakir Mustache
I've found the '59 in neck position unbalanced, not too bassy but certain frequencies just jump out and it's not smooth. Jazz doesn't have this problem.

Only tried this in a semi-hollowbody, so it may not be the same in another guitar.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 6:01 pm
by HNB
I have a Agile with a 59 neck and JB bridge and it sounds killer to me. I also have a Tele with a mini 59 in the bridge. Also very cool. In the tele, I have it straight to the jack so it is pretty bright. (Which I like.) On the Agile it is through normal 500k pots. It sounds great to me in either spot. If you don't like the 59's sound, maybe try adjusting the height of the pickup or changing pot values and see if you like it more? Also check for any wiring errors. I have seen people mix up the color codes and basically made the two coils out of phase to each other or where only one coil was working right which can radically change the pickups sound. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 11:08 pm
by Gabriel
Seymour duncan 59 in the neck is my favourite pickup. The 59 set sounds great.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:13 pm
by Rox
Ive run the 59 bridge , Jazz Neck and the 59Bridge and 59 neck in the past and I'd say the 59 combo is my fave . Just more versatile .
I think JBs are ok .. It's one of those pickups I want to love but just can't .

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:29 am
by meltedbuzzbox
Just to add to the confusion I would go for a jazz neck and a custom custom bridge

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 4:27 pm
by paul_
Currently using a '59 in the bridge of an SG but I'm fairly unimpressed with it so far. It's only been a couple weeks so I'll keep plugging away with it... I've been using P90s and Burstbucker Vs for ages now so it's possible I'm just used to hotter/sparklier units. I also want to fit an angled mounting ring to it since it's a big pickguard SG so the pickups are at a stupid angle.