Bass V Build
Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 8:53 pm
This is going to be another slow build.
I pretty much have a whole template together. I have all the measurements for the neck and a place lined up for building it. Cooterfinger is currently making a template for everyone on the forum from all my measurements and will be making a physical template and my body.
I'm gonna have Kevin James make the control plate.
As for the pickups... I am going to splice half of a mustang bass pickup and a fender mandolin pickup together. I am going to see how it sounds and decide from there if I want Novak to make me a custom set with the correct 3 poles instead of the 4 poles of the mandolin pup. he already said he would. Going off of all my measurements this is the closest thing I can get to the stock ones. They are completely different than anything that is out there at the moment. The biggest problem is that longer pickup. The mandolin pickup is about the size of two of the mustang bass pickups. So it should work pretty well. The cover is what got me but luckily I was able to find a Mandolin pickup with the cover except it is brown, meaning I will have to paint it. Oh well..
I can easily acquire a pickup cover. The thing I need the most is a bridge cover that will fit the 5 string bridge and is the same size as the original.
I found a place for the headstock logo.
The color I am going for is Ocean Turquoise Metallic. I'll be keep an OTM theme with all my next builds!
Some of you hate this bass but it's whatever, I love them and have always wanted one. So why not build it instead?!? More pictures to come!

I pretty much have a whole template together. I have all the measurements for the neck and a place lined up for building it. Cooterfinger is currently making a template for everyone on the forum from all my measurements and will be making a physical template and my body.
I'm gonna have Kevin James make the control plate.
As for the pickups... I am going to splice half of a mustang bass pickup and a fender mandolin pickup together. I am going to see how it sounds and decide from there if I want Novak to make me a custom set with the correct 3 poles instead of the 4 poles of the mandolin pup. he already said he would. Going off of all my measurements this is the closest thing I can get to the stock ones. They are completely different than anything that is out there at the moment. The biggest problem is that longer pickup. The mandolin pickup is about the size of two of the mustang bass pickups. So it should work pretty well. The cover is what got me but luckily I was able to find a Mandolin pickup with the cover except it is brown, meaning I will have to paint it. Oh well..
I can easily acquire a pickup cover. The thing I need the most is a bridge cover that will fit the 5 string bridge and is the same size as the original.
I found a place for the headstock logo.
The color I am going for is Ocean Turquoise Metallic. I'll be keep an OTM theme with all my next builds!
Some of you hate this bass but it's whatever, I love them and have always wanted one. So why not build it instead?!? More pictures to come!