Telecasters L-R Squier Joe Trohman sig Tele, Fender Baja FSR, MJT Partscaster.

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I'd always wanted a 72 but really didn't like any of the reissues I'd tried. When the sig model came along at that price point I knew it would be worth a shot even just as a modding platform. I thought I'd swap out the pups and the neck (12 1/2" raduis with Gibby style big flattish frets) However the pickups are great and the nexk is a Dream to play so it will be staying stock.
The Baja was part of a special run in that lovely trans white colour. Fat neck, plays like a dream.
The MJT is a MJT body I got in a trade, an old Squier sig model neck (ace quality) with Wilkinson Bridge/tray. pickups from Jim nowhere (standard with a bit more putput). I had popped the neck on here with the intention of replacing it, I had rolled the edges on it and it plays/feels great so I never switched it out. Now I have 2 other Teles ot'll probably be going. Those MJT bodies go for a decent whack.
The Baja was part of a special run in that lovely trans white colour. Fat neck, plays like a dream.
The MJT is a MJT body I got in a trade, an old Squier sig model neck (ace quality) with Wilkinson Bridge/tray. pickups from Jim nowhere (standard with a bit more putput). I had popped the neck on here with the intention of replacing it, I had rolled the edges on it and it plays/feels great so I never switched it out. Now I have 2 other Teles ot'll probably be going. Those MJT bodies go for a decent whack.

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The Affinity I got of Gumtree as not working for £30, I was just going to use the neck off it, but it played so well I decided to keep it as is. The wiring was borked (the Affinity 5 way switch is different to the standard Fender one) Once I rewired it everything worked fine.
The Japanese Strat is P serial (on the headstock) Japanese model. 7.25" radius, added Dimarzio Humbucker. From back in the days where the only difference between Japanese Fender and Squier was the decal. The rosewood board on this is to die for. I got this for £15 off Gumtree. Mental.
The classic Vibe I picked up cheap (as a neck donor), it was too nice to break up. This and the Affinity will probably be out the door soon as I only need one Strat. Not pictured is a black Affinity Strat that I got on Gumtree. Hopefully at some point I'll have the chance to get my old scumbusrt one back...
The Japanese Strat is P serial (on the headstock) Japanese model. 7.25" radius, added Dimarzio Humbucker. From back in the days where the only difference between Japanese Fender and Squier was the decal. The rosewood board on this is to die for. I got this for £15 off Gumtree. Mental.
The classic Vibe I picked up cheap (as a neck donor), it was too nice to break up. This and the Affinity will probably be out the door soon as I only need one Strat. Not pictured is a black Affinity Strat that I got on Gumtree. Hopefully at some point I'll have the chance to get my old scumbusrt one back...

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On the left is the 61 with the MJT/Flex guitars D+B neck. Vintage pickups. This guitar sings, plays great.
The one on the right came together last week when I realised I had enough parts to make a partscaster. Neck is old style Affinity strat, I rolled the fretboard and sprayed the headstock. The body is an old ash one that someone had deepened the neck pocket on so it sits low in the body so to help prevent string slippage I popped an old Buzz stop on there and shimmed the neck. Pickups are from a JMJM. No upper circuit. Plays great.
The one on the right came together last week when I realised I had enough parts to make a partscaster. Neck is old style Affinity strat, I rolled the fretboard and sprayed the headstock. The body is an old ash one that someone had deepened the neck pocket on so it sits low in the body so to help prevent string slippage I popped an old Buzz stop on there and shimmed the neck. Pickups are from a JMJM. No upper circuit. Plays great.

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Not much to say about these, both Coronados I got for a song (£550 and £320) and the Columbus was bought for cheaps locally. It came with a lovely old Westone case. The neck on the Coronado I is better than any other guitar I've ever played.

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The BMM Jag originally had the 66/7 neck on it. I swapped it with the 64 A width one (cos it's amazing). The parts in the actual guitar are all dated from 62 too, so it's a bit of a weird one. I then got Richard to make me a new body to put the 66/7 neck to use. it currently has a strat neck pickup and a SD Distortion in the bridge.

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The parts Duosonic is an old Mexican Duosonic body with a Mexican Strat neck, 2 blade single coil sized Humbuckers. Rattlecan paint Job.
The 65 Stang was Daves, I bought the body and hardware from him (Stewart has the neck I believe). The neck is also from '65 and was donated from the 65 duo .
The Musicmaster was a 59 Duosonic body that had been pre-hacked for a humbucker when I got it. The guard was cut for the HB too. It's a lovely piece of wood, so beautifully worn that I decided not to paint it. It has a leftover Wilkinson x65 pickup (I had bought them as a Strat set) and a humbucker in the bridge. The bridge itself is an aftermarket top loader. I'd like to get a vintage one for it at some point and a new guard.The neck is from a 78 Fender Musicmaster, it's lovely and slim. I still think these are the best project Fender necks you can buy for the money.
The '65 duosonic. This came as a 65 Mustang neck on a stripped 65 Duosonic body, just that, no other parts.. I took the neck off for the mustang above, then picked up this allparts vintage spec Jaguar neck for it (The decal was on there already.) I drilled it for string through and then put a Toronado bridge on there. Pickups are big slug Wilkinson x65s, Standard wiring.
The 65 Stang was Daves, I bought the body and hardware from him (Stewart has the neck I believe). The neck is also from '65 and was donated from the 65 duo .
The Musicmaster was a 59 Duosonic body that had been pre-hacked for a humbucker when I got it. The guard was cut for the HB too. It's a lovely piece of wood, so beautifully worn that I decided not to paint it. It has a leftover Wilkinson x65 pickup (I had bought them as a Strat set) and a humbucker in the bridge. The bridge itself is an aftermarket top loader. I'd like to get a vintage one for it at some point and a new guard.The neck is from a 78 Fender Musicmaster, it's lovely and slim. I still think these are the best project Fender necks you can buy for the money.
The '65 duosonic. This came as a 65 Mustang neck on a stripped 65 Duosonic body, just that, no other parts.. I took the neck off for the mustang above, then picked up this allparts vintage spec Jaguar neck for it (The decal was on there already.) I drilled it for string through and then put a Toronado bridge on there. Pickups are big slug Wilkinson x65s, Standard wiring.

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I picked this up because they are fun and great for the money. There were 4 in stock when I went to check it out, that was a lucky break because the others all has real issues. This is great fun and I plan on upgrading a few bits and bobs down the line. It's totally fine as it is though.
My Jazz bass is out on loan so I couldn't snap a pic of that.
My Jazz bass is out on loan so I couldn't snap a pic of that.