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Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:02 pm
by Josh
my neighbor traded me this epiphone eb-0 bass i've had for years (used on our first album, and everything up until we upgraded that), for a roland synth box thingy, and a boss drum machine. (i'll post pics and more info when i get to my music room). never used the bass and some new stuff sounded like fun, gotta make sure to take that over to him soon though, and locate the pickguard for it.

looks like the input on the synth requires a MIDI cable so i can't hook it up with my guitar (but i can once i get that right?) and there's output on it for amps too, so many knobs and looks like alot of fun, was really bummed i didn't have a cable around to give it a go yesterday.

the drum machine is awesome though, had to have spend at least 3 hours fucking with it yesterday. easily was getting BIG BLACK DRUM SOUNDS and GANGSTA RAP drum sounds. might have to look into making some music with this stuff, this is probably the most modern shit i've ever gotten music wise. gonna need a microkorg or a microbrute to play around with some of this stuff more.

any tips or anything for this stuff? or just make noises and go with what sounds good? cause that's usually what i do anyway.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:04 pm
by moogmusic
Model nos?

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:14 pm
by Josh
had to go grab em real quick, realized w/o the model numbers it's really unhelpful. sorry about that.

okay, so the drum machine is a boss dr. groove DR-202

and the synth is a roland synthesizer SH-32

EDIT: not my photos but that's exactly what they look like, they're pretty new.

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 5:05 pm
by Fakir Mustache
That's pretty cool, that drum machine has a drum track, a bass track, plus an extra track that only send MIDI notes, so you can program synth lines to your other box into your DR-202 patterns directly.

Tip is read the manuals.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 1:50 am
by Josh
that's crazy. I'm finally getting the hang of it, shit is fun. would a microkorg go with this?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 5:55 am
by lorez
I'd love to have a go with that SH32, is it intuitive to get good sounds out of it?

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:29 pm
by Josh
at first it was really hard to figure out, but after playing with it a bit it's really easy to get a good sound. there's so many sounds you can get it's kinda overwhelming, and everything's so tweakable too.

i was reading these are better than microkorgs, but apparently you can run one with it, so it'll have dem keys.

was having a go with it at bandpractice and if i can learn to set patches and loops and stuff it might be a gamechanger for us, been running it into a halfstack and it sounds awesome.