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Best phaser/envelope for me

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:09 pm
by Golden_Sonic
I'd like to buy a cheap phaser pedal with "envelope filter flavour" suitable for both guitar and bass guitar but I don't want to spend a fortune so my budget is limited. I discarded the MXR Phase 90, the Electro Harmonix Small Stone and the Harley Benton/Joyo Vintage Phaser, too limited controls and "too phaserizing", if you know what I mean (sorry for my bad english). My choice fell on these pedals:

1) Hardwire Stereo Phaser SP-7, very nice, good phaser sound with (IMHO) the right touch of envelope filter:

2) NUX Phaser Core, it is good too but cheapier than the Hardwire:

3) T-Rex Tonebug Phaser, it has less controls and no "envelope flavour" at all (IMHO), good phaser sound even if a little bit invasive:

4) Akai Pro Phase Shifter, really nice phaser, good sound with only the "Rate" knob and the "A/B" switches but no control on the "mix" with the dry signal (so it's as invasive as the Tonebug Phaser) and no "envelope flavour":

5) Visual Sound Garage Tone Oil Can, what I consider a standard phaser:

6) Mooer Ninety Orange, tiny and cheap, Phase 90/Small Stone copy, it's really limited but personally sounds better than the Oil Can:

The Electro Harmonix Polyphase is what I need but its price is exceeding. What would you choose among these phaser pedals? Can you suggest me other alternatives? Consider also the price: all the pedals in the list have a cost under 100€

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 4:05 pm
by Gabriel
The nux stuff is worth a try, I like my Modcore. It cost me just over £20 and is perfect for the rare times I need modulation effects.

Re: Best phaser/envelope for me

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 4:22 pm
by Doog
Golden_Sonic wrote:
The Electro Harmonix Polyphase is what I need but its price is exceeding. What would you choose among these phaser pedals? Can you suggest me other alternatives? Consider also the price: all the pedals in the list have a cost under 100€
Makes sense to just hold out, save a bit more money and get the thing you want.