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NEPD (new electric piano day)

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:33 pm
by Concretebadger
I wanted a keyboard for adding piano overdubs into songs and general practicing (not learning piano was one of my childhood regrets). I found a second-hand Yamaha for sale locally that had weighted keys with touch sensitivity, two piano settings, strings and some other oddities. There are MIDI connections too, so theoretically it could double as a keyboard controller for MIDI-powered recording stuffs, but I'm not clued-up enough on MIDI to try that out yet.

So far I've learned the chord progression for 65DaysofStatic's 'Radio Protector' then realised that I should learn how to read music so I can actually use the thing properly. Happy days.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 7:40 pm
by NickS
Apparently I have to get rid of my dad's old Clavinova CLP50, which sounds a bit like what you just picked up.

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:23 pm
by lorez
I'm thinking of getting a piano for me & the kids as well. Was it a good price? Does it have hammer action?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:37 pm
by Bacchus
Spent about two hours yesterday not doing homework and reading about pianos. I want a Yamaha U3 I've decided.

That is all.