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good compressor pedals for lead tonez

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:03 am
by fetusrobot
i've been meaning to get a decent compressor to get that fat rich lead blues guitar sound, strong enough to mimic a tubescreamer, but not quite a tubescreamer (TS's always felt really cliche to me, it would feel like a waste of money) and i was keeping an eye on the dyna comp from mxr because there was a "new wave squash" setting on their website, but i've learned that david gilmour used an old boss cs-2 (i could get a cs-3 and have tone compensation, how different can they be?) but what are some good compressors out there? the cheaper the better, i don't mean to get anything too fancy, but dont introduce me to anything too cheap. i'm tryna go for that Freddie Cowan Come Of Age sound like Aftershave Ocean which is really smooth and condensed

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 8:47 am
by George
a compressor will not sound like a tubescreamer on its own. it will help a pedal or amp achieve more saturation if the compressor is booting it though.

most compressors are much of a like in my opinion, and many have the same common ancestry. i like the dyna comp a lot - bit is very heavy on the squash at higher levels. i would go and try a few out. many people end up with the boss cs3 but i think it's too complicated and can get messy. a 2 knob option would be nice to start with.

check this thread out ... 20&start=0

there are lots of cheap clones of the big name versions availble:
CL9 Compressor/Limiter Ibanez CP 9 Compressor/Limiter
CS100 / CS400 Compressor Sustainer = Boss CS-3 Compression Sustainer
DC9 Dynamic Compressor = MXR M-102 MXR dyna comp

JF-10 Dynamic Compressor = MXR Dyna Comp.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:53 am
by johnnyseven
If you were to post the question over on The Fretboard they would tell you that the Marshall Ed the Compressor is a great cheap compressor. I have one and can concur. However my favourite is the DOD FX80B which I think is great, the DOD Milkbox is also highly regarded.

I'm not a fan of teh Dyna Comp, I prefer really subtle compression and I found Dyna Comp to be too squishy.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 10:06 am
by NickS
I have a Marshall Edward The Compressor because the other guitarist in the covers band lent it to me. I find it useful, but I haven't had anything to compare it with.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:09 am
by fetusrobot
the marshall edward looks p sleek, but the pro of the dyna comp is that i wouldn't have to worry about attack time which i think is kinda superfluous. idk how much each of them costs, im assuming the dyna comp hovers around 80 bucks and the marshall a little higher? also i may have expressed myself poorly with mentioning a tubescreamer, im not trying to get any sort of grit with a compressor. it's once i saw some old guy with a strat playing on the neck pickup through a reasonably set TS which didn't make the guitar raspy by any stretch (TS's aren't exactly metal distortion pedals) it just fattened up the strings and gave them that superlong sustain you like to hear in blues/jazz music

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:15 am
by fetusrobot
the annoying thing about the dyna comp is all the demos are dedicated to country musicians and frankly i don't care about chickin pickin and it would save me a trip to the city to hear it from people who've tried it if it can do more than that or if it's a 1-trick-pony

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:22 am
by NickD
I've got the DC9 Behringer copy of it and its decent enough - a really simple pedal to use.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:40 am
by meltedbuzzbox
for cheaps I recommend the Marshall Ed the Compressor. I imagine it is cheaper than the MXR in America.

For mediumish price. Xotic SP Compressor - simple, great sounding and very small

For more money I would look at a Pigtronix Philosopher King - Endless sustain and funky swells and all kinds of things.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:52 am
by fetusrobot
not particularly interested in funk actually, i don't suppose chords are really something i have in mind when looking for a compressor. and assuming i have some extra money to spend, do you guys know any compressors by malekko/earthquaker devices? (discontinued pedals are welcome)

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:58 am
by Noirie.
I liked the Boss CS-2 I used to own a while back. I think they're kinda pricey now.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:08 pm
by NickS
Used Marshall ED-1 $38 on eBay BIN, shipping $26!!!! whut?!

I used to use the Fuzz Face clone for mild clipping/sustain with single-coils. I still take that and a tuner to a jam.

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:14 pm
by Freethenoise
The Dr J Aerolite is a good, solid compressor, it's cheap too.

I've never really had any urge to touch a compressor without a blend control after I played with this one. Unfortunately a lot of the ones on the market are super pricey Wampler or Walrus audio pedals.
I can't justify dropping upwards of $200 on a comp pedal.


Re: good compressor pedals for lead tonez

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 2:02 pm
by ultratwin
fetusrobot wrote: the cheaper the better, i don't mean to get anything too fancy, but dont introduce me to anything too cheap. i'm tryna go for that Freddie Cowan Come Of Age sound like Aftershave Ocean which is really smooth and condensed
I could get pretty close to Freddie's tones with my CIJ Strat's neck pickup through my Pedalworx McSqueeze at 12:00 (and a very heavy right hand). In general, Orange Squeezer types like it are a great way to get the mid lows to bulge out (the more you dig in), without getting all plunky and squishy...and they're very easy to dial in, for both guitar and bass. Although discontinued, I'd advise keeping an eye out for a BBE Orange Squash, which is a slightly more flexible take on the theme.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:24 am
by awfurby
The Xotic Effects SP Compressor is a good option. It has a blend knob and internal dip switches so you can really set it up the way you want to. Also it is small so that's a plus.