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Multiple Pre-Amp Audio Interfaces?
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 2:01 am
by Zack
So for awhile I've been using a marantz field recorder as my primary way of recording audio. Recently I've been using it as a work around to record digitally, basically using it as a preamp to plug in a mic and then route from the headphones into my computer's mic input. It works well enough, there's still a bit of a noise level, which I don't really mind but I'm having trouble doing multi-track recording (maybe it's audacity, maybe it's human error) and they rarely line up. The point is, I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for multiple pre-amp audio interfaces. I've looked at some of the focusrite stuff, it sounds good in theory but it almost seems like overkill if I were to get the one with four preamps. Basically I'd like to be able to record at least two guitar amps and vocals for the time being, any recommendations are appreciated, thanks.
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 2:56 am
by Nick
I'm using a Tascam US-1800. At under $300 new it seemed like a good value. I just tracked my band's demo with it. Only thing that annoys me with this and the similar focusrite model is that the phantom power works in sets of 4 (inputs 1-4, 5-8 ), which posed a problem with drums when I had 5 close mics and only 2 overheads that needed phantom power. I ended up running the 5th dynamic mic into a tube pre that I use for vocals through one of the line inputs on the back.
point is, with my 6 year old AMD Phenom with 4gb ram running Windows 7, we were recording up to 9 tracks (including scratch) at once without any latency problems at 44.1k. I haven't tried any higher rates because I almost expect issues with my busted ass atarti computer.
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 6:21 am
by Zack
Thanks for the feedback Nick, I'll definitely check out the us-1800 or maybe one of the smaller models. It sorta seems like overkill but I'd rather invest in more than enough inputs if I'm gonna get one. That's sorta been the big issue for previous recording equipment I've had in the past.
Anyone think usb or firewire actually makes a difference other than convenience? I know firewire streams data, but would I even notice it?
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:49 am
by Sloan
The market is loaded with interfaces for cheap that feature lots of I/O. You really can't go wrong. I use two Presonus Firestudio Projects for 16 mic pres.
Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:48 am
by Ian
Art Tubeopto 8
as used on drums for the new album I just produced from