So, I sold my edwards recently because ishibashi was having a new years sale on this lovely used j custom:
I want to keep my Gibson too but it turns out with finances it was impossible this month.
It's an awesome guitar. Shameless shred machine. The neck has flame maple binding and beautiful inlay done by hand. It looks much better in person.
Pickups are Duncan TB-14 and Jazz. I'm more of a Dimarzio guy but you guys can judge how they sound. I made a video with demonstrates the sound of the guitar pretty well. I'm tired of those videos which play the same simple riff on each pickup setting.
For the life of me i still can't figure out how to embed youtube videos.
You just needed to turn the https in the link into http; our creaky old site doesn't understand that shit:
JJLipton wrote:
Your playing is fucking amazing as always, even against cookie monster vocals. And that case is plush as fuck!
I dunno how well anyone would be able to tell one pickup apart from another at such levels of chugga, but it defo seems to be doing the trick
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 1:58 am
by JJLipton
Arigatou kind sir!!! Apart from Musicman or possibly PRS, i don't see myself ever buying an american made guitar again. Keep in mind something like suhr is around $5,000USD over here. There's another company over here called Caparison which i really want to try out.
At some point i may want to replace the duncans in my j custom for a set of these:
Barekuckle "Aftermath"
Do any of you guys have experience with Bareknuckles? I like them based on the pickup covers alone.
Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:05 am
by dub
I had a Warpig in the bridge of my Yamaha SG for a while. Loved the original pickups, but wanted a bit more grunt. I took it out because while it sounded fantastic (and very close to my favourite tone, grindy low mids, alnico V), I was acutely aware of how compressed it was. I'd switch to the neck and get a full frequency response and it was a little maddening. I should really have forked out for a matched set. haha. I went back to the original and left a boost on all the time. I think more of a medium hot set like the Crawlers or the Abraxas would be a perfect set of humbuckers for me if I had another guitar to stick them in....
I also have a set of Mississippi Queens in my 70s SG copy. (Humbucker sized P90s) They're great. Can do anything from doom to punk to country. Clean up nicely. I prefer them to the SD Phat Cats and a bit more than the Mean 90s I've tried.
That's the guitar I play the most actually since it sits near my desk.
Thom has used a bunch, I'm sure he could chime in.
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:44 pm
by JJLipton
dub wrote:I had a Warpig in the bridge of my Yamaha SG for a while. Loved the original pickups, but wanted a bit more grunt. I took it out because while it sounded fantastic (and very close to my favourite tone, grindy low mids, alnico V), I was acutely aware of how compressed it was. I'd switch to the neck and get a full frequency response and it was a little maddening. I should really have forked out for a matched set. haha. I went back to the original and left a boost on all the time. I think more of a medium hot set like the Crawlers or the Abraxas would be a perfect set of humbuckers for me if I had another guitar to stick them in....
I also have a set of Mississippi Queens in my 70s SG copy. (Humbucker sized P90s) They're great. Can do anything from doom to punk to country. Clean up nicely. I prefer them to the SD Phat Cats and a bit more than the Mean 90s I've tried.
That's the guitar I play the most actually since it sits near my desk.
Thom has used a bunch, I'm sure he could chime in.
I actually prefer a pretty compressed tone for the neck pickup, think dimarzio liquefier and air norton. The thing i dislike about the SD Jazz is that it's very open and glassy/full sounding. Under high gain it doesn't really provide the tightness i like for playing leads. A pair of BKPs is like $700 over here so i may have to pull my funds together to buy direct. Did you get the cool pickup covers? or the standard ones