I've been wanting to throw in some Jazzmaster pickups in one of my humbucker routed guitars . Is the route big enough to put in jazzmaster pickups with modifications to the pickguard or am I just better off faking the funk and getting Novak humbucker routed Jazzmaster pickups?
By these dimensions, I think a humbucker would fit the length and width of a route but it's the height that seems to be the issue. I would go for the novak jazz-buckers to avoid the fuss.
Rox... Curtis Novak makes humbuckers that fit into Jazzmaster covers, but I'm pretty sure he does not make Jazzmaster pickups that fit into humbucker covers. I just double checked his website. Sorry!
I contacted him yesterday and got a quick response. He told me the best he has to match the sound I'm looking for is a reverse wound widerange humbucker. Apparently they sound VERY " Fendery". I'll be chatting with him. He lives only an hour or so from me. I already have a set of Novaks in my 69RI Mustang and love them. It just might be the direction I go.