Replacement NPD

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Replacement NPD

Post by Progrockabuse »

So i originally had the Joe bonomassa wah, which I loved but it developed a fault. Not happy that a £150 wah (I didn't pay that much, but that's what the full price is) broke after less than a month. So contacted Amazon, who were happy to replace it, but had no stock. So i exchanged it for the Jerry Cantrell wah.....sounds so muck better than the bonamassa and was cheaper too!
Fender Classic Player 60’s Stratocaster>East Coast T1 Tele>
Epiphone Les Paul SL>Ovation 12 String acoustic>Peavey Strat DIY Relic

Marshall Origin 20H>James’s old purple 2x10
Marshall MG10 Combo

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