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Drum kit Transformation & Internal Micing

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 1:44 pm
by Ian
Tama Superstar Super Mahogany 22x14 16x16 12x8, had some plys separating in the bass drum that I glued and clamped, I filled the 2" tom holder hole with a 2" poplar dowel, I sawed with a bendy saw, get creative?


$210 at pretty easy to install, the eyelets that hold the badges in place are terrible to remove, the replacements are threaded with a washer and bolt and cover up any tear away.


$40, Kelly Shu Kick Drum Thing, I'm planning on a non ported front head.


I got this part on parts express


The cabling here is actually electrical cabling, so its more rigid and stiff, which is good for this, I left off the bulk of the XLR connector to lessen the weight of things going on. The mounting brackets are parts I found at Lowes, one was for aligning a door or something, and the other is a plain old L bracket. Cheap stuff! the rubber part inside to hide the tear out in the drum is called a fender spacer, got it at ace hardware. Also, notice I just took the threaded microphone connector right off of the mic clip, it made it easier to connect it to other things.


Not photo'd is the inside of the floor tom, which is the same as the rack tom but with a audix D4 inside.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:57 pm
by aen
I'm so fucking into this.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:10 pm
by Ian
I got my non ported front head. The venue i played tonight didnt plug in my toms but the kick sounded monsterous.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 3:55 pm
by Doog
I remember this pop genius Mr Jason (of The Secret Hairdresser et al) doing the same thing, dead clever and takes a lot of crappy parts of micing a kit out of the equation.

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 5:42 pm
by Freddy V-C
Mr Pink Rick Drums talked about doing this ages ago. I doubt he'll ever get around to it but yours looks ace. I reckon I'm probably even more into it then Aen is.