It's def a Hofner 175 or Galaxie, probably just with a replacement trem.
There's a reissue version with [basically] a Jag trem
Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 10:30 pm
by Noirie.
paul_ wrote:
Played one of these a couple years back and it was shite.
Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:45 am
by NickS
I don't even think it's a replacement trem. There's a flimsy chromed metal plate (I may still have it) that covers the trem mechanism and I think it's been taken/left off to make it easier to replace strings. My Höfner was left in my friend's house when he split with his wife and I never got it back but I still have bits of it he didn't need for a refret.