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Pre-serial no. Ormat (Orange/Matamp) restoration.
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 8:57 pm
by NickS
Features a guy with a conscience who gave up an amp he knew to be stolen goods.. and the story of how Orange amps started, which I did not know. ... 3#p1048913
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:50 pm
by Zack
good read, end result looks great.
Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:39 pm
by Concretebadger
That was a great read. I love to hear stories about stolen gear finding its way back to its rightful owners, and stories about the old Orange/Matamp era amps. There's a lot of contention over the details - it's all stuff that happened years ago - but the amps themselves are legendary. Anyone who finds one from that era, and takes the time and effort to restore it as lovingly as this, deserves respect.
This story has it all really. Amp history, a heartwarming "reunited stolen goods" angle, and amp pr0n gut shots. The build quality from those days is something special! *drools*