I think it was about a month ago that I decided to patronize a local music store. They did not have what I wanted in stock (a Squire VM sonic blue mustang) but ordered one for me. I've been waiting and waiting. It seems, at least according to the people who manage this store, that there is such demand for these guitars that they are having to be back-ordered, as mine was. They suggested that it might arrive in mid-November. So I am hoping to have this guitar soon. This guitar is going to cost me $365 US as opposed to $299 from Musician's Friend, but that's what happens when you try to keep the store front guys in business. Even so, it is a discount from the factory suggested price. And I suppose if this guitar has any problems I'll be able to deal with someone locally. Meanwhile, I want my Mustang!
MF has a wait on sonic blue and white until later in the month. So you would have waited anyways.
paul_ wrote:When are homeland security gonna get on this "2-piece King Size Snickers" horseshit that showed up a couple years ago? I've started dropping one of them on the floor of my car every time.
I played a red one at a place about 30 minutes from me.
I almost walked out with it.
The neck had some nice flame and it sounded good, but I didn't I ordered a MIJ instead.
We will see, I may end up wishing I got the VM
Squier Mustangs are good for the money but corners are cut. I'm not crazy about the stock pickups, and some of the holes were drilled weird on mine. Unless you are one of those who love the neck profile and prefer the 9.5 radius, there is no advantage of the Squier vs the Fender other than price. So I don't think you'll be disappointed with the MIJ.