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Seagull acoustics
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 5:02 pm
by chrismakesgod
Have any of you had any experiences with this brand? I've read reviews online that stink of wankery and pish and I can never take that shit seriously. Also read reviews that said they were shit in plain language...
Their S6 original with its wider nut width has really taken my fancy.
Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 5:27 pm
by paul_
I have an S12+ and love it. The wider neck at the nut is my only slight issue with it so if you're cool with that, bombs away. At the time I bought it the brand was being touted as the Gibson flattop sound on a budget, though I went in a bit more blind, simply preferring it to the Fender and Epi 12-strings I played at the shop that day (the Seagull was far cheaper but outperformed both). Really love the Godin system on it, though I'm not much of a piezo guy. The guitar itself sounds so luxuriously swank mic'd up nicely.
Disclaimer: the cedar top is scratched to shit. It WILL happen, and rather fast. The top of this guitar is like the skin of an apple, you can crunch into it with your fingernail.
Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:32 pm
by Ankhanu
I don't own one, but I intended to.
They play well, they feel good, and generally have good volume and tone. For the price, you'll be hard pressed to find similar features, e.g. solid top, decent woods. Many models have cedar tops, as Paul said, and cedar is super soft, but many have proper spruce tops, and some with maple.
They're a Godin company, and they carry the same sort of attention to detail and quality control as the parent company. I haven't played one that wasn't at least worth its price, IMO. Only reason I don't own one is because I've never bought an acoustic at all and ended up inheriting a couple.
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:09 pm
by StevePirates
I have a mid-1990s Seagull 12 string. It is a wonderful guitar. I always recommend the brand to people looking for a solid but not extravagant acoustic.
Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:44 pm
by mickie08
great. even better if you find one second hand as they seem to go pretty cheap at times. While I have never owned one (currently own 4 acoustics...Taylor 114ce, Martin x series 12 string, Breedlove black beauty, and Larivee lv09), everyone I have played have been really nice guitars once set up. Unfortunately the ones at the local guitar center are always all jacked up actions wise (as are all of their acoustic guitars)
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:17 pm
by wetbelly
My S6 has always treated me well.
Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:50 pm
by paul_
mickie08 wrote:everyone I have played have been really nice guitars once set up. Unfortunately the ones at the local guitar center are always all jacked up actions wise (as are all of their acoustic guitars)
Come to think of it, I actually had a guy in a shop (not GC) set mine up before I bought it because it was all outta whack.
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:22 am
by Dokterrock
I don't like the wide nut or the headstock. So I always recommend Simon & Patrick instead. Same parent company and great guitars.