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NGD: Gibson The Paul

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:29 pm
by Dillon
Anyone ever owned one of these or know much about them? I never thought I'd own a Les Paul, but this, I couldn't resist. These were budget models from the late 70s and early 80s, but you'd never know from the quality. Why can't Gibson's budget models still be this good? It'll become a regular player for sure. I even like the EMGs, though they are a lot darker than my other guitars.

Doing some research, this one is apparently a bit of an odd bird---the fact that it's mahogany and not walnut means it's a Deluxe model, according to a 1980 catalog I found online. But, those had gold hardware, and the serial number dates it to 1984. A year in which there were no catalogs or advertisements because Norlin-era Gibson was coming to an end. Also, the mid-80s models were supposed to be in the "Firebrand" series, and this isn't. I've not found a single image of another The Paul in this color, nor one with a harmonica bridge. I'm thinking this is probably a mutt that was built using leftover parts. Cool.

Dammit Google is it that hard to understand that people want to embed images and not just "share" them? I'll fix this later.

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:39 am
by dezb1
Never seen a 'the Paul' but one of the guys in Mogwai plays a 'the SG'.

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 3:11 am
by speedfish
Probably one of the Norlin abominations, but if it suites your fancy GO FOR IT! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:19 am
by sunshiner
Haha again, WTR used to own one with a chainsaw case. There is a thread somewhere here

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 7:03 pm
by paul_
Never played one but for about 15 years I've been half-heartedly after the truss rod cover from one.

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 7:52 pm
by westtexasred
sunshiner wrote:Haha again, WTR used to own one with a chainsaw case. There is a thread somewhere here
Almost,I used to have a "Firebrand" this is the thread: ... nd&start=0

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 9:49 pm
by Dillon
Hah, I remember that thread now. Yeah, one like WTR's Firebrand is what this guitar should be given the year it was made. Actually, it very well could be, just with a "The Paul" truss rod cover...but 1) never seen one in this color and 2) the Gibson Deluxe tuners are original. (They were pretty messed up so I replaced them with some modern ones, but Firebrands came with Grovers and there's no sign this ever had Grovers.)

It's got some wear and tear, definitely a player's guitar, not a collector, but that gives it character IMO.

Why do Norlin-era Gibsons get such a bad rap? Poor QC? I'd take this over a modern LP Studio any day.

Some better pictures:





