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"Long Journey" - custom short scale tones

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:48 pm
by batsbrew
"Long Journey"

this is a song from my first album, "Trouble", that i am re-mixing for a new release.
any suggestions/opinions are helpful.

used this 24" scale length custom axe on the electric parts:

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 8:01 pm
by jculpjr
I really liked the recording. Harmonies sound really nice. It's personal taste, but I'd like to hear the drum level a bit higher during the chorus.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:39 pm
by batsbrew
hey jculpjr,
thanks for listening!
drums up, check....

when i mixed this originally i used a roland all in one daw...
now on sonar, i've got a LOT more power to do what i really want with the mixes,
i've been experimenting on how to treat the drums,
and have come across a really good set of eq's and compression schemes that i'll be able to use on all the drum tracks across the entire album
(drums were done in another studio, but are all very consistent, so one scheme will work for all the tracks)

then i'll tweak to taste.