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RECORDING NERDS: second opinion(s), please?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:04 pm
by Freddy V-C
I've been recording an EP with a local surfy/noisy garage rock band called Dull Aches. They have almost zero internet presence, so don't bother trying to find them, ha...

I'm pretty pleased with how everything is sounding. I feel like I've really improved at both recording and mixing over the past six months, and the stuff I'm doing now feels pretty far ahead of what I was doing at uni (which seems silly considering I was studying recording, but EVERY DAY IS A SCHOOL DAY etc...).

Every band I record seems to be into the whole ~swampy delayed vocals~ thing, and I don't want people to think that's the only thing I can do. Although then again, I am rather good at it.

I've just finished mixing the first track (none of them have titles yet, apparently) and I've sent it to the band for some feedback, and then if they like it I'll be getting the other four tracks up to the same standard asap. In the meantime, I thought it might be useful to get some feedback from other music nerds. So what do you guys think? It's rather quiet because I haven't done any mastering.

Stuff I've picked up on:
  • The theremin could possibly do with some more volume automation, I've never recorded one before and I pretty much didn't consider the fact that they essentially cover ALL THE FREQUENCIES. Does it sit okay in the mix?
  • I'm feeling pretty confident with my room mic placement at the moment, so the drums on my last few sets of recordings have turned out pretty well. My only concern is that the snare perhaps sound a little bit fizzy somewhere around 3.5kHz. Am I being too picky?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:16 pm
by vojtasTS29
Do you have a live tape of the band or something to compare it to? I think both the bass and guitar might need a bit more hi-mids and treble, but i have no idea how the band is supposed to sound.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:30 pm
by Freddy V-C
There's this one live video:


The recordings I've done are essentially live though. Recorded drums, bass and vocals all live in the same room, and then overdubbed vocals and theremin.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:10 am
by vojtasTS29
well, maybe turn down the bass a tiny bit, listening to it on normal stereo that amplifys bass makes the bass too loud in my opinion. You know, it can sound cool on monitors, but it has to sound good on most things.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:44 am
by Fakir Mustache
The band sounds like a live recording in a club. You could raise the level of the theremin a bit.

Re: RECORDING NERDS: second opinion(s), please?

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:22 pm
by Brandon W
Freddy V-C wrote:I've been recording an EP with a local surfy/noisy garage rock band called Dull Aches. They have almost zero internet presence, so don't bother trying to find them, ha...

I'm pretty pleased with how everything is sounding. I feel like I've really improved at both recording and mixing over the past six months, and the stuff I'm doing now feels pretty far ahead of what I was doing at uni (which seems silly considering I was studying recording, but EVERY DAY IS A SCHOOL DAY etc...).

Every band I record seems to be into the whole ~swampy delayed vocals~ thing, and I don't want people to think that's the only thing I can do. Although then again, I am rather good at it.

I've just finished mixing the first track (none of them have titles yet, apparently) and I've sent it to the band for some feedback, and then if they like it I'll be getting the other four tracks up to the same standard asap. In the meantime, I thought it might be useful to get some feedback from other music nerds. So what do you guys think? It's rather quiet because I haven't done any mastering.

Stuff I've picked up on:
  • The theremin could possibly do with some more volume automation, I've never recorded one before and I pretty much didn't consider the fact that they essentially cover ALL THE FREQUENCIES. Does it sit okay in the mix?
  • I'm feeling pretty confident with my room mic placement at the moment, so the drums on my last few sets of recordings have turned out pretty well. My only concern is that the snare perhaps sound a little bit fizzy somewhere around 3.5kHz. Am I being too picky?
if you want to send me the tracks i can try some things i have here and see if the theramin can pop a bit more.. i would increase the whole mix at 1:28 until around 1:50 and then settle back down.. i want to try a little more distortion on the vocals and then just enough reverb to set it back in the mix and keep that lo-fi sound.. Honestly it sounds great though.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:24 pm
by Brandon W
I don't hear the fizzy sound you described so i'm gonna say don't fix it if it ain't broke..

I'm just seeing the part about not mastered so i think the things i was gonna try will actually happen in the mastering process..

good job.. i like it a lot

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:03 pm
by Freddy V-C
vojtasTS29 wrote:well, maybe turn down the bass a tiny bit, listening to it on normal stereo that amplifys bass makes the bass too loud in my opinion. You know, it can sound cool on monitors, but it has to sound good on most things.
I think rather than less bass it could possibly do with more upper mids, but I see your point. I've mixed all five tracks now but I'm gonna listen on several different sets of speakers before committing.

Glad you like it Brandon, yeah I think your main issue is just the overall volume? Everything will be much louder once it's been mastered.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 5:37 pm
by Brandon W
Freddy V-C wrote:
vojtasTS29 wrote:well, maybe turn down the bass a tiny bit, listening to it on normal stereo that amplifys bass makes the bass too loud in my opinion. You know, it can sound cool on monitors, but it has to sound good on most things.
I think rather than less bass it could possibly do with more upper mids, but I see your point. I've mixed all five tracks now but I'm gonna listen on several different sets of speakers before committing.

Glad you like it Brandon, yeah I think your main issue is just the overall volume? Everything will be much louder once it's been mastered.
i thought the opposite of the bass from vojtas but i always do.. I always think it isn't loud enough. Personally, i would try some eq on the bass without raising or lowering the volume just to see if it can stay out of everyone's way but still be nice and audible. The people i usually work with always say the bass should be felt more than heard but i like to hear it. I'm just a big fan of the textures and nuances the bass offers. It could greatly benefit from playing with the upper and lower mids. I would try to cut some freq's out also. Somehow that gets the bass to sound good for me.
I do like it very much Freddy. You're doing a great job. I wouldn't say the overall volume but the way each track reacts in the countless different mastering options and techniques. This is something i keep learning on every song i do. I always have everything perfect in the mix and then i master and subtle details i emphasized by amplification in the mix becomes too loud if i master certain ways. This art is constantly teaching me that i know nothing. I think i have it and i don't. The good news is i personally get better each time. I learn from my mistakes. So i think the things i was gonna try may come out better in the mastering process. By come out better, i mean the blanket is lifted off the sound. I can't wait to hear it!

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:49 pm
by Freddy V-C
Thanks Brandon. I know what you mean about a blanket being lifted. I mastered the last thing I recorded myself (SHAMELESS PLUG) and was pretty pleased with how it sounded. Supposedly it's better if someone else masters a track, because they're coming to it with fresh ears and are more likely to notice issues the mixing engineer didn't fix. So I think these Dull Aches recordings should turn out even better than the Black Gorgon ones!

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:14 am
by Sloan
i would totally split that bass into two tracks, keep everything under like 100hz where it's at have the track that's like all the fret/string noise much lower. get it to sit with the drums and i think that it will mostly be pretty balanced. that's really the only thing sticking out a whole lot and it's kinda distracting to me.