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EHX Silencer

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 8:45 pm
by GreenCustom24
Anyone use one of these? I've got one coming in the next couple days and I can't wait. My dirt boxes are kinda noisy (as expected) but my Effects Loop is super noisy as well. Apparently it's a known flaw with the Egnater Rebel 20.

Anyway... I obviously don't want to have the crazy amounts of noise that I have now. I'm fairly new to noise gates (I had an ISP Decimator a while back which ruled, but it was just a straight in line pedal) and the exact setup. I was curious if anyone has any insight on this?

The Silencer works as both an in line noise gate and also has the integrated effect loop. If I wanted to use it for both signal chains, could I use just the one (Run the standard input and output in line after my dirt, then run the Effects Send from the amp to the Return of the Silencer and the Send to the Return of the effects loop) or would I need 2 units to properly do this? I feel like the signals might interfere in the first scenario...

I suppose I could always just try it and see if I need a second one, but I kinda want them both ASAP so if someone tells me it won't work I'll just order a second one.


Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:53 pm
by Nick
I didn't know about it before this post. Looked it up and seems like a bargain for $57. These EHX pedals are great, because if you don't like one, you're usually just out $10 if you sell it used on reverb or ebay.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:55 pm
by GreenCustom24
Yeah. It seems to be almost as good (if not as good) as the Decimator for 1/5 the price. It was a no brainer.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 4:06 am
by GreenCustom24
Answered my own question. Got it today and plugged it in. Dirt boxes through the input and output. Effects Send to the pedal return and pedal send to the Effect Return. Doesn't do crap except bypass my tuner's mute function. Ha Turns out the damn thing DOESN'T work as an in line noise gate. Pedals have to be in the loop. Doesn't matter to me I guess. I'll get another for my loop.

Just in case anyone decides to get one.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:37 am
by Thomas
I can't help but find it funny that EHX are making this considering any time I've ever had noise issues with a pedal it's been one of theirs...