BOSS OS-2 vs OD-2 and ground loop issues
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 1:48 pm
Anyone tried these two OD? The OS2 was my first fx ever and I really liked it, the only problem was the awful background noise that was the reason I sold it. Now I'd like to take another BOSS OD just to change the sound with my Rat and Boss BD2 and I can't make up my mind between the OS2 and this discontinued OD2. The reason why I haven't bought the OS2 again is the ground loop issue that it caused. I was thinking: could this problem be simply solved modifing the value of some capacitors in the circuit? In this way, there would be a better filtering of the ground noise.
Anyway, I need to know your opinion on these two OD first of all. If there is anyone expert of pedal building and circuits in this forum, his/her advice to solve the ground issue is well accepted too.
Anyway, I need to know your opinion on these two OD first of all. If there is anyone expert of pedal building and circuits in this forum, his/her advice to solve the ground issue is well accepted too.