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NPD: Fredric Russian Muff

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:42 pm
by Concretebadger
I'm gonna try and do an audio recording of this alongside the other muffs in my collection (triangle clone (before it gets sold), MBM IC, Fredric Russian, EXH LBM reissue) to show the differences between them.

Initial impressions are that this one's sound is somewhat more similar to the triangle than the IC and reissue, but particularly smooth with TEH MIDZ. I think I could get some lovely cello-like sounds out of it with a detuned guitar and Ebow. Fun times ahead. 8)

Excellent service from Timhulio btw - really solid build quality too. A+ stuff, would recommend.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 5:13 pm
by Concretebadger
BUMP: crappy audio demo is now done.

Triangle -> IC -> Russian -> EHX reissue

0:00: clean (neck pickup)
0:08: tone at minimum, gain at half (neck pickup)
0:45: clean (bridge pickup)
0:53: tone at middle, gain at halfway (bridge pickup)
1:45: tone and gain at maximum (neck pickup)
2:20: tone at middle, gain at maximum (neck pickup)
3:24: tone at middle, gain at maximum (bridge pickup)
Overall impressions?

The Triangle is clearer and lower gain. Great for palm mutes, but is rather subtle.

The IC is crunchier with less bottom end and an emphasis on the upper mids.

The Russian has more of a lower mids thing going on so is rather cello-like while still being quite clear.

The reissue is higher gain, mushier and more saturated.

It really isn't a case of which version sounds objectively *better*, but this ought to give some idea of how they sound in relation to one another when all other things (guitar and amp settings) are equal.

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 5:27 pm
by Fakir Mustache
I like the Russian one better: smoother and warmer sound.