longer saddle screws needed - please help (shortscale Tele)
Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 5:25 pm
69 Thinline Tele body + Duo Sonic neck in need for longer saddle screws for correct intonation
I have a shortscale project that is sadly frozen because of 3 screws missing
I'd be very grateful if someone can help please.
As can be seen in the picture I need longer screws for the saddles
Original screws measure around 3mm diameter, but being Fender I guess they have an imperial size/gauge: do you know their specs?
Longer screws should be very easy to find in USA, but I'm in Spain and need some help please.
BRIDGE / SADDLES PICTURE: (can't embed the picture correctly)
The project is a Squier 69 Thinline Tele body and a Squier Duo Sonic neck
plus a Fender Telecaster USA 62 RI bridge + pickup which has the characteristic threaded saddles, for which I need the longer screws.
I can't intonate correctly unless I have the saddles closer to the neck, that's why I need longer screws.
Original saddle screws at it's maximum length is not enough. I guess I need 10mm longer screws to be safe.
Please can you help?
I need to know the specs of screws in Fender Telecaster USA 62 RI bridge (Fender 005-6069-TSB),
and then get same specs but longer screws x 3
Project background:
I already have a Squier Duo Sonic I love. I bought a second neck for it, as a back-up.
Then got a good-priced Squier 69 Thinline Tele body, tried the Duo Sonic neck on it and thought it looked and played great.
Then bought a Fender USA 62 RI bridge + pickup assembly (Fender 005-6069-049) for this project.
This pickup and saddles combination sound great, very special, so I need it intonates correctly, because of the shortscale Duo neck.
So, please help if you can! : ) thank you
I have a shortscale project that is sadly frozen because of 3 screws missing
I'd be very grateful if someone can help please.
As can be seen in the picture I need longer screws for the saddles
Original screws measure around 3mm diameter, but being Fender I guess they have an imperial size/gauge: do you know their specs?
Longer screws should be very easy to find in USA, but I'm in Spain and need some help please.
BRIDGE / SADDLES PICTURE: (can't embed the picture correctly)
The project is a Squier 69 Thinline Tele body and a Squier Duo Sonic neck
plus a Fender Telecaster USA 62 RI bridge + pickup which has the characteristic threaded saddles, for which I need the longer screws.
I can't intonate correctly unless I have the saddles closer to the neck, that's why I need longer screws.
Original saddle screws at it's maximum length is not enough. I guess I need 10mm longer screws to be safe.
Please can you help?
I need to know the specs of screws in Fender Telecaster USA 62 RI bridge (Fender 005-6069-TSB),
and then get same specs but longer screws x 3
Project background:
I already have a Squier Duo Sonic I love. I bought a second neck for it, as a back-up.
Then got a good-priced Squier 69 Thinline Tele body, tried the Duo Sonic neck on it and thought it looked and played great.
Then bought a Fender USA 62 RI bridge + pickup assembly (Fender 005-6069-049) for this project.
This pickup and saddles combination sound great, very special, so I need it intonates correctly, because of the shortscale Duo neck.
So, please help if you can! : ) thank you