The ARP one interests me the most even though it's the only one mentioned where I'm actually happier with the iPad/laptop+controller scheme (for the sake of polyphony). Nonetheless, the desktop version of the Korg reissue has been on my list for awhile.
singlepup wrote:Just came to post about this. Absolutely getting the analog 808 clone.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 4:15 pm
by gusman2x
Pretty much interested in all of these. Behringer are knocking this stuff out the park. When I had a go on a deepmind, it sounded phenomenal.
Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 6:01 pm
by aen
At first they came for EHX
and I said nothing for I was not EHX
Then they came for Boss
and I said nothing for I was not Boss
Then they came for Moog, Roland, and Korg
How long before they come FOR DWARFCRAFT?
Posted: Mon May 07, 2018 9:40 pm
by lorez
aen wrote:At first they came for EHX
and I said nothing for I was not EHX
Then they came for Boss
and I said nothing for I was not Boss
Then they came for Moog, Roland, and Korg
How long before they come FOR DWARFCRAFT?
In that line of thinking I f they come for dwarfcraft you’ll of made millions and you’ll be on your yacht not giving 2 fucks
Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 5:54 am
by gusman2x
lorez wrote:
How long before they come FOR DWARFCRAFT?
In that line of thinking I f they come for dwarfcraft you’ll of made millions and you’ll be on your yacht not giving 2 fucks[/quote]
Nah Behringer (Uli?) aren't paying anyone shit, hence why its so cheap for us. Think he waits till patents run out, then bums them original ideas into oblivion.
Posted: Tue May 08, 2018 12:03 pm
by Fakir Mustache
aen wrote:At first they came for EHX
and I said nothing for I was not EHX
Then they came for Boss
and I said nothing for I was not Boss
Then they came for Moog, Roland, and Korg
How long before they come FOR DWARFCRAFT?
Use the money you made to buy Gibson, then make copies of Behringer pedals.
The Model D and upcoming Neutron are patchable and eurorack compatible. The D is actually in a Eurorack format case and comes with the ER connector.
It's the Oberheim clone I'm really interested in. ?The originals sound amazing but they're way out of my price range. I have the D and Deepmind, both are great!
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:21 am
by jcyphe
Behringer give zero fucks
The funny thing is this is what everybody on all the music forums was asking for 10 years ago and now they're doing it. Cloning Boss, EHX, and the classic analog synths.
People want to try lots of different sounds on the cheap and eBay/Craigslist kinda killed the bargains in finding old analog gear or vintage EHX/Boss pedals for reasonable prices. Any doofus can do a google search and find out their old Keyboard sells for a nice chunk of change on the internet, it ruined the fun.
Interesting idea and I like the sound of the shaping tools it has. If it’s at the price point of the model d then I’d rather get this than the arturia impact brute they just released
Oh, Behringer are a shameful company. Utterly immoral and exploitative.
And they're making gear people want for low, low prices. So fuck it.
The new synth stuff is ridiculously good. The bit I find funny is that many on the synth sites that have been almost begging for this shit are now turning their noses up at it because it's Behringer. Whatevs, chaps.
In a similar vein, though, Behringer recently bought TC Electronic and have effectively "reissued" their supercheap pedals from way back under the TC brand, all single-use stompboxes with true bypass, metal enclosures, etc. There's tonnes of them, and they're about the same sound quality as the old plastic Behringers (ie: from amazing to not so good) but with all the improvements people were asking for in terms of durability, switching, etc. But there are plenty on other guitar forums *cough* who won't touch them because they're Behringer (and/or clones).
So, yeah, Behringer are an awful company for producing the things I want at prices I can afford (lolno srsly they are gobshites run by a cunt), but sometimes I wonder if they're worth having around just because they help expose some of the worst conservative prejudices of other musicians.
Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 3:38 pm
by lorez
Has anyone heard any news when these might be released soon? Getting synth gas and not sure what to buy and want to give some of these a blast
Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 8:07 pm
by Fakir Mustache
lorez wrote:Has anyone heard any news when these might be released soon? Getting synth gas and not sure what to buy and want to give some of these a blast
There's so much other stuff out there to GAS for, I'm not sure what to buy.
That Trax synth looks awesome, there are several very cool Dreadbox synths, there's a new Polivoks synth with no keyboard, and with keyboards there's the Minibrute, Novation Bass Station 2, and I'm seriously thinking about the Yamaha Reface CS.