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New EHX Reverb - Oceans 11

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 10:59 am
by BearBoy
EHX wrote:A compact, affordable pedal packed with advanced functionality and 11 reverb styles ranging from essential to exotic. The Oceans 11’s reverbs are:

1. HALL – the rich reverberant sound of a grand concert hall
2. SPRING – pays homage to the classic Fender® 6G15 tube spring reverb
3. PLATE – the lush, warm reverb that got its name because a large metal plate was originally used to create it
4. REVRS – emulates the quirky reverse reverb effect where a note’s reverb fades-in backwards. (Jimmy Page claims to have invented it.)
5. ECHO –sends a recirculating echo thru the Plate reverb. The crisp clear delays get tastefully smudged by the airy plate reverb
6. TREM – reverb plus tremolo that’s applied to both the wet and dry mix of a Hall reverb, your choice of three different tremolo shapes
7. MOD – modulated reverb, three modes. Chorus laced onto the reverb tails creates a luscious atmospheric effect. Flanger wraps around the reverb tails and weaves a hypnotic tapestry. Chorus and flanger combined.
8. DYNA – Swell, gate and duck. Swell silences your notes’ attacks before blooming the tails back into the soundscape. Gate passes the reverb tail thru a noise gate that opens when it detects playing. (Phil Collins popularized the technique by applying it to drums.) Duck compresses the reverb tail while you’re playing and fades it back in when you’re resting.
9. AUTO-INF – Auto-infinite reverb that triggers a reverb wash for each note or chord. When a new one is struck, the previously resounding reverb crossfades to the new one
10. SHIM – Shimmer generates a rich octave-shifted reverb wash that modulates and blossoms behind your signal
11. POLY – Polyphonic reverb, two configurable bi-directional pitch shifts operating on your pre-reverb signal. Combine dissonant intervals with near infinite decays to create disorienting soundtracks, or choose perfect/major intervals to generate creative harmonies when jumping around a key signature

The Oceans 11 features powerful, yet intuitive “hidden� parameters accessible thru its Secondary Knob Mode that let the player take greater control of its effects.

An internal Tails switch also provides a choice of whether the reverb effect fades out naturally or stops immediately when the pedal is switched to bypass. In most settings the pedal is also capable of producing infinite reverb which can be played over with a fresh reverb effect complete with adjustable parameters!


Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 11:00 am
by BearBoy


Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 11:36 am
by Noisy Cat
Looks like the reverb equivalent of EHX's Canyon, which is lots of fun. Happy with my DRRI's reverb though.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 12:21 pm
by Fran
Sounds great.

A shoegazers dream pedal.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 12:46 pm
by lorez
I'll stick to my behringer reverb machine

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 1:20 pm
by Fran
I haven't used reverb for years, mostly because the Orange amp doesn't have it inbuilt.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 2:43 pm
by paul_
I didn’t use reverb for years because Marshalls don’t have it (and when they do its usually a shit one), but when I bought an old Fender tube amp that also didn’t have it I decided that was pushing it and bought a Behringer RV600 Reverb Machine.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 3:25 pm
by dezb1
I have a digitech supernatural reverb and it's a thing of beauty... but I rarely switch it on.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 4:46 pm
by Nick
This is tempting. I just have a Malekko Spring and it's good but kind of a one trick pony.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 6:27 pm
by Doog
Dang those secondary controls though

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 7:16 pm
by Concretebadger
BearBoy wrote:Video:

"ONE OF THESE DAYS I'M GONNA DASH YOU INTO LITTLE PIECES" ((rawk)) (nice "Twin Peaks" theme tune riff in there too...)
If the algorithms are similar to the Grail spring and Flerb, there'll be a great one and one that's...not so useful. FWIW, I tried my HG+ side-by-side with the built-in reverb in my old DRRI, and the EXH came pretty close. The "flerb" is more usable on the Cathedral, where there are more knobs to adjust the parameters. If this is even better, I'd be thoroughly impressed.

I'm thinking about getting a new verb later this year, and was torn between a Blue Sky or, more likely, a Neunaber. Whatever I go for has to be able to match my trusty RV-5's "modulate" setting, which is pretty lush and stays on my board for that alone.

Usually, shopping around like this is a matter of weighing up which pedal has the most useful settings among the ones you don't care for all that much, but for EXH stuff the "oddities" are selling points in their own right. While Neunaber, Boss and Strymon are trying to go "hi-fi", it's still nice to see one of the major brands thinking, "sod it, let's leave the weird shit in."

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 8:35 pm
by luciguci
god this legit is the dopest reverb i've seen in a while, i'm absolutely ready to just get rid of some of my own shit to get one of these