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plopping sound with the Palmer Octobus switcher

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 11:25 pm
by Jagtornado
Hi Guys,

I have bought a Palmer Octobus effect switcher for effect pedals second hand for a good price. Since I use it intensively I get 1 to five times plopping noises when switching patches after I have turned the thing on. After that it is gone. Still I am worried that things get worse in the future.

In reviews I have read conflicting things about this issue. Some owners say there is no plopping at all, and another guy says he gets one plop at the strat and then it is gone. Another reviewer says he also has this issue while testing it.

Is this a common problem with cheaper switchers and you just have to be lucky getting one which produces no plops? In the beginning while testing it with just two pedals I didn't notice this and already told the seller it is ok. I'm a bit anoyed with this. What would you do? Accepting this and make no big deal out of this or trying to get my money back?

I mean, it is still available new for quite a bit more than I bought it second hand, but it is possible that I will have the same problems with the one they wil send me when I buy a new one online.


Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 6:54 pm
by Doog
plops, eh

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 4:21 pm
by sunshiner
Doog wrote:plops, eh
for the rescue