Back in January I decided I wanted a "fancy" Telecaster, because my Squier Affinity Tele is the only guitar I've ever kept for longer than a couple of years. Ended up buying a 2005 MIK Fender Lite Ash Tele, and I liked it at first, but eventually realised it just wasn't for me. I was hoping for my Squier but better, and it just... wasn't that. It turns out two of the main reasons I like my Squier are the weird body (Affinity Teles are about 1/4" thinner than other Tele bodies) and the neck, which is basically completely dry and unfinished. I have cheap taste, I guess.
So I've sold the Fender, and I've decided, why not spend all that money on hot-rodding a Squier Affinity?
I wasn't sure about modding my original black one, because ~sentimental value~ (I've had it since 2006!), and also like... it already plays/sounds/feels great to me, so I don't want to risk ruining it. Plus I could do with having two Teles, one for standard tuning, one for special Beige Palace business. Thankfully, last week I spotted a shell pink Affinity for cheap - in fact it actually came from my old local shop from when I lived in Scarborough, which is a happy coincidence. The delivery guy knocked once, and by the time I got to the door he'd left it OUT IN THE OPEN (???) WITH FENDER LOGO VISIBLE ON THE BOX AND EVERYTHING (???) LEANING UP AGAINST THE DOOR SO THE GUITAR FELL INTO ME AS I OPENED IT (???). But thankfully it's fine.
Here it is before I totally modd:

I've already planned out exactly what I want to do with it (you'll have to wait and see, dear reader). Although I'm well aware of my own limitations (completely cackhanded), so a guitar tech friend of mine will be doing most of the work. Hopefully next week, if all the parts arrive.
First impressions, the neck feels GREAT. God damn, I love me some plain, unfinished maple, babey !!! It weighs the same as my other Affinity Tele (3.4kg*), and will probably be even lighter after the mods I have planned. I haven't had chance to play it plugged in yet, although the electronics are gonna be totally gutted anyway, so it doesn't exactly matter. My only bugbear is the fretboard is so, so very dry. These Affinity Teles usually have a maple fretboard, but for the FSR shell pink I guess they decided to change it up a bit? So I think the fretboard is laurel, which from what I've read can be pretty prone to dryness. Gonna have a go at oiling it when I can, and see if that helps.
*I think this is about 7lb 9oz, for those of us who are frightened of the metric system.