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Cheap demo of Muff copies

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2020 11:39 pm
by Fakir Mustache
[video width=400 height=350][/video]Azor and Eno fuzzes, TC Electronic Honey Pot Fuzz, Behringer VD1, with bonus MXR Fullbore Metal used as fuzz at the end.

First two pedals look like this.

Used the guitar from my avatar, bridge position.

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 3:25 pm
by sunshiner
TC Electronic was the best to me

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 3:32 pm
by Fakir Mustache
It's not bad, but I prefer it with a bit of amp dirt, not clean like in the demo.

I think I like the Azor the most. The Eno is not bad either, the eq kind of sounds like a bandpass filter (not saying that's good or bad).

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:34 pm
by sunshiner
I've read Eno muff was described by someone as greenmuff esque, but from this demo I can't get that. Seems too be spitty and wooly not in a good way with no definition, but that could be the way the sound was picked in the video. Is it better in person?

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 8:00 pm
by paul_
sunshiner wrote:I've read Eno muff was described by someone as greenmuff esque, but from this demo I can't get that. Seems too be spitty and wooly not in a good way with no definition, but that could be the way the sound was picked in the video. Is it better in person?
One thing I'll say on this is that the VD-1 is a notorious treble-sucker when bypassed and could be colouring the resulting sound of the other pedals here while it's in a chain with them.

I think I liked the Azor best fuzzbox-wise, and the TC best just in general dirtbox tones... I bet it does sound more similar to the others over a bit of amp dirt the way Fakir prefers it.

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 8:19 pm
by Fakir Mustache
sunshiner wrote:I've read Eno muff was described by someone as greenmuff esque, but from this demo I can't get that. Seems too be spitty and wooly not in a good way with no definition, but that could be the way the sound was picked in the video. Is it better in person?
Maybe a little like a Sovtek Muff, but the eq is different. And yes, kind of wooly, I don't think I even had the fuzz knob all the way up because it was too much with a humbucker, although it's crankable with single coils.

Actually I built a Sovtek clone but it's kind of busted now, the Azor did sound more like it.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:16 am
by Fakir Mustache
paul_ wrote:One thing I'll say on this is that the VD-1 is a notorious treble-sucker when bypassed and could be colouring the resulting sound of the other pedals here while it's in a chain with them.
That's interesting, I was getting these very weird artifacts on bypass with my Micro Terror (not what I used in the demo), so much so that I thought it was busted and tried a different cab and valve, and still getting them.

I don't know if it was just with the Micro Terror, or if it was a combination of pedals (I believe only the two mini pedals are true bypass) because I don't have the Behringer anymore. I may have kept it if it wasn't so big, but I also had too many Muff style pedals. I'm definitely keeping the other three.