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£127 Sonic Mustang
Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2023 6:22 pm
by NickS
Further to that post about the
Sonic Mustang at Bax Music, they've added a 7% discount bringing the Torino Red to £127. Delivery is around £6.
Re: £127 Sonic Mustang
Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:17 pm
by rahbro
Is 127 Ls good?
- Screenshot_20231125_182110_Chrome.jpg (304.44 KiB) Viewed 1129 times
The Google machine says I can get that and a happy meal for that much here
Re: £127 Sonic Mustang
Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:23 pm
by rahbro
Also on my quest for Ls I found this.
- Screenshot_20231125_181856_Chrome.jpg (36.03 KiB) Viewed 1128 times
Re: £127 Sonic Mustang
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 4:20 pm
by NickS
Fender prices in the UK are anecdotally in pounds whatever they are in dollars in the US.
Re: £127 Sonic Mustang
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 7:11 pm
by rahbro
How many dongs do you need tho?
Re: £127 Sonic Mustang
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:54 pm
by NickS
► Show Spoiler
The Dong with a luminous Nose!
When awful darkness and silence reign
Over the great Gromboolian plain,
Through the long, long wintry nights;-
When the angry breakers roar
As they beat on the rocky shore;-
When Storm-clouds brood on the towering heights
Of the hills of the Chankly Bore:-
Then, through the vast and gloomy dark,
There moves what seems a fiery spark,
A lonely spark with silvery rays
Piercing the coal-black night,-
Hither and thither the vision strays,
A single lurid light.
Slowly it wanders, pauses, creeps,
Anon it sparkles, flashes and leaps;
And ever as onward it gleaming goes
A light on the Bong-tree stems it throws.
And those who watch at that midnight hour
From Hall or Terrace, or lofty Tower,
Cry, as the wild light passes along,
"The Dong!—the Dong!
"The wandering Dong through the forest goes!
"The Dong! the Dong!
"The Dong with a luminous Nose!"
Re: £127 Sonic Mustang
Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:30 pm
by NickD
Tell me more about this bong tree.