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Markbass MB Yellow Little Bass?

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 11:56 am
by Freddy V-C
Somehow I had only played fullscale basses (since 2004!!) until I bought my Ibanez TMB-30 a couple of years ago, and (duh) it turns out that as a tiny man I'm way better at playing bass when I can actually reach all the frets.

Anyway, I've been keen on getting hold of something more Fender-y now I'm actually playing bass in a band again for the first time since 2017. First choice would have been a Mikey Way signature Squier Mustang, but unfortunately the second hand market for those things is insane.

So in lieu of the silver sparkle I've been keeping my eyes peeled for a yellow Mustang/Bronco/Musicmaster (my favourite colour). There was a yellow parts-stang on Reverb with a very uh... "ambitious" asking price, so I'd been hoping it wouldn't sell until I had some spare cash, at which point I could send a lowball offer which of course they would graciously accept. Sadly things didn't pan out that way.

BUT today I stumbled upon this.


I'm guessing it must be a new model because Guitar Guitar is the only place with a listing yet, and it's a preorder. But as far as I can tell it's basically just a yellow Bronco.

I've had good experiences with Markbass amps, but never seen an instrument of theirs in the flesh. Does anyone have experience of their other models? Any warning signs or alarm bells I'm missing?

Re: Markbass MB Yellow Little Bass?

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2024 6:08 pm
by mickie08
I just saw one of these last week at the Guitar Center out here in Ca. Checked it out but didn't plug it in. Was pretty cool looking. Definitely stood out in their shitty collection of basses they actually had in stock (keyboards were even worse which is what I was there to buy)

Anyways, in my 2 second glance seemed like squier CV level quality or so. Maybe tad below.

Re: Markbass MB Yellow Little Bass?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:47 am
by MattK
Damn, I like that!

Re: Markbass MB Yellow Little Bass?

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 7:50 pm
by Alyn
Also never played shortscale basses, messed about on a few very cheap ones they had in work for kids (I'm a teacher), but never owned one or played a decent one. That is a pretty nice looking bass though.